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FPSC Classic Product Chat / "I can resist everything but temptetion"

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Joined: 4th Feb 2003
Posted: 12th Jan 2005 03:47
I've been reading the posts, and I realize that with so many requested features, there's going to be a push for a "Pro" version in the future. I would like to strongly warn the GameMakers against this; I've seen a few of my apps turn pro and it seems that, invariably, it becomes a tug of war between how little will they settle for, on one end, and how much can they be charged, on the other.
Instead, I would suggest a modular approach. That way we need only spend on what we really need, and it offers the GameMakers a slew of opportunities to generate extra cash without antagonizing it's customers.
I, for one, can think of a number of modules that I'd be willing to splurge on if I can do so without having to pawn the family jewels: a DBPro code exporter, maybe advanced physics, etc.
I do believe that the FPS Creator will be popular. Remember VR Studio? Anyway, I'm awaiting it eagerly and hope you keep this in mind.
Van B
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Joined: 8th Oct 2002
Location: Sunnyvale
Posted: 12th Jan 2005 04:03
I think the idea is that if you buy the early adopter version, you can just upgrade to the full version and pay whatever difference in price. There was talk of physics being added later, but one problem I can see is that without an updated executable, it might be tricky to adopt plugins, so it might be something only TGC can contribute to. There will be shader support at least, so we should see some developments there that'll benefit DBPro users as well, I think there's already plans for DBPro map support.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.

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