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FPSC Classic Product Chat / More Level screenies from beta testing....

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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 05:04
This first screen is from an office using the sci-fi elements. With this one i'm also experementing with lighting.

I've attached the full size screenie as well.


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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 05:05
Looks very nice!!! We didn't see much of sci-fi screenshots yet...

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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 05:05
This one is of the reception area and doesnt use any lighting effects yet.

Again attached full size screenie.


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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 05:26
Here is another from the reception area. I've gone over to this android and it triggered off a wave file telling me to report to the bridge and take they pass key to enter the lift which you see ahead.


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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 06:12
Ohh soooo cool.
I wanna start building maps to.. CANT WAIT. =)
MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 10:07
looks awesome jasuk70!!!
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 10:40
Nice shots. What kind of FPS you getting?
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 11:24
thanks for the screenshots J... definitely the right time for something to show off some of the work that's going on behind the scenes...

the first screenshot is quite impressive... could you comment a lil on what lighting effects and textures you are employing... and what effect you are aiming for...


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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 11:44 Edited at: 13th Jan 2005 05:59
could you comment on why the desk drawers are facing the player and not the cyborg like they should!
sorry. Much appreciated screenies.
The graphics are looking very much like Half Life (something that I am quite partial to) THANKYOUUU!!!

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Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 12:56
Screen shots look absolutely amazing. The engine definately looks a few grades higher then I originally envisioned it from the few screen shots on the FPSC site. I love the lighting effects!

Thank you to jasuk and all the beta tester who have/will post screen caps.

Rich, Rick, Lee, Mike and everyone involved should be very proud of themselves for even reaching just this milestone with such amazing results. Can't wait to see the final product
Dave J
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 13:47
Quote: "Here is another from the reception area. I've gone over to this android and it triggered off a wave file telling me to report to the bridge and take they pass key to enter the lift which you see ahead."

Yeah, I was meaning to tell you your method of using zones to get that to happen is quite good, I never would have thought of it myself. Nice work!

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Eric T
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 13:59
Nice work on those maps. I noticed you we're running a bit slow on those last 2 Screens. What specs you running?

Yeah tried out the dialogue zone script, worked nicely. I must thank you on that one... woulda took me a long while thinking it up

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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 17:37
@uman - It's a SciFi based on a space ship. The shots from the level you see are a lead up to the main game. I.e. the story telling bit. You arrive on the ship in the secrity reception area and are told to go to the bridge to get your orders. You make your way up, meeting different people who tell you bits of story. At the top something will happen and you are teleported back to your crew quaters and then have to fight your way back to the bridge.

@Red Ocktober - I was just playing around with placing coloured lights places to create a mood. The dark room above when you first go through the ship will be lighted much brighter when you first move through the ship. But the Screens you see at the far end where you see the blue glow has a tiny blue light source infront which makes the nice glow effect. This was rendered with the quick lightmapping mode. I've not tried the full lightmapping as this will take longer to generate.

@Coldnews - Thanks for spotting the draw, missed that one.

@Exeat - Thanks, it's when you start looking at the existing scripts and experiment that things start to become interesting.

@Eric T - One of the reasons may be that I have PSP 8, Outlook, Word, Remote Deskop, 4 browers sessions + more running at the same time .

I'll post some more shots when I get chance to do more work on the lighting.



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Eric T
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 21:39
Quote: " One of the reasons may be that I have PSP 8, Outlook, Word, Remote Deskop, 4 browers sessions + more running at the same time ."

Yeah, that could explain it

I usually just have Firefox, thunderbird, and a media player of sorts.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 23:21
Well, i just wanna say thankyou! I know we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover (but we HAVE seen the engine working in the movies and we know it moves well etc) but all the fears I had about being able to create a "feel" within our games has just been squashed. The lighting itself will create some stunningly atmospheric levels.
I am currently breathing a sigh of relief, I know now that my game ideas will work. Cheers guys.
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 12th Jan 2005 23:23 Edited at: 12th Jan 2005 23:24
i think that you've succeeded quite well in demonstrating the use of lighting to set the mood and atmosphere of the scene... and by doing you've shown that FPSC has some potential there as well...

i have to agree with Pogo... this looks better than what i expected as well, so far...

hey... do you have any shader pics you could show... if the shader code is back in yet...

also, can a lightmapped scene be used in conjunction with shaders?


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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 00:09
I too would like to know what kind of framerate you are getting and what kind of system u are running it we have an idea. How hard was it to make the Robot guy wave and play the sound sample?
Is there anyway we could see the script so we have a better idea of the complexities of script editing? I am REALLY new to all this type of the way, it looks better the more I look at it. Much respect to you, you're on the way to designing a cool looking game!
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 03:26
Here is a shot of the level used in the last two pictures above from the Editors point of view. You can see the guard in the corner near the door, plus the Purple zone marker which triggers the speech.

Here is a picture of me initially placing a light source (Green in this case) near where I want the effect to be.

Here is a shot of fine tuning the positioning of the light source.

And here is the view of the same area with quick light mapping.

The best bit is, it took under 20 seconds to get the light source exactly where I wanted to place it.


"What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not'release' software. It escapes leaving a bloody trail of developers and quality assurance people in its wake!"
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 04:58
How do you become a beta tester? I would LOVE to have a go at what you're doing to help out!! I was wondering, how do you qualify?

P.s, do you make your own sound effect and models for this or are you using Stock sounds and Models?
Memento Mori
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 04:58
LOOKS AWESOME!!!!! niiiice lighting effect

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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 05:44
Ohh ive never been so eager to get my hands on an application.
It looks great. More of these step by step shots. I youst love those. Your map "jasuk70" looks amazing.
Ive already started sketching out maps on graph paper
and modeling weapons. (mac10 and pistol so far)
I use "Lightwave 8" to model and then i export them as OBJ
and import them to milkshape for texturing and animation.
Then export them as X. The models works fine in DBpro so
i figure there shouldnt be a problem.
i didnt only come here to rant about my future project i
also have a request to "jasuk70". Can you post a screenshot
of some lightmapping when its not rendered in "quick light map" mode.
I would like to see how good the shadows and stuff look.
(place some chairs and stuff around it so we can see the shadows.)
I hope its not to big of a request.
Thanks in advance.
Major Payn
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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 11:35
So it is capable of something along the lines of half life, Awesome!

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Posted: 13th Jan 2005 19:39

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The Nerd
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 03:41
Oh man PLEASE show more screenies cus this looks great!!

The Nerd

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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 05:52
I second that notion.

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Major Payn
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 07:40
I triple that notion.

Guns arn't the problem, people are the problem, shoot all the people and guns arn't a problem anymore.
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 08:48
Yea show us a screenshot with some advanced lightmapping. =)
The Nerd
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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 20:53 Edited at: 15th Jan 2005 20:53
i wanna see a screenshot were you fighting with enemy`s

And i have 2 questions:

1. Can you make people tell a bit of the story like in Half life 2 ETC maybe if you used the trigger zones?

2. Is the people/robots animated when they talking to you?


the nerd

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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 20:55
You could use trigger zones to make a wav file play.

I know there isn't vehicle support, but I think I saw an enemy tank in one of the screenshots. Was I just imagining things?

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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 21:04
For the moment, the level you see in this thread is only a introduction, with voice triggers telling a story. I'm currently working on another level where this will lead to so no fighting pics from me at the moment. Other testers may be able to post some though.


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Rob K
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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 21:59
Quote: "1. Can you make people tell a bit of the story like in Half life 2 ETC maybe if you used the trigger zones?

2. Is the people/robots animated when they talking to you?"

1. Yes, you can play WAV files when players enter a trigger zone.

2. No. You could create some simple talking animations, but there is no lip-sync.

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Rob K
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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 22:00
Quote: "I know there isn't vehicle support, but I think I saw an enemy tank in one of the screenshots. Was I just imagining things?

Yes, it is a simple static entity though. In other words, it doesn't move or attack.

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Posted: 15th Jan 2005 23:17
What good is a tank if it just sits there?

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 00:39
for scenery I guess
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 02:40
Who puts a tank as scenery?!?!

Can you assign a script to the tank to make it shoot?

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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 02:44
Quote: " What good is a tank if it just sits there?"

I bet you'd be complaining if there were no random pieces of scenery like that included in the media! lol.

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 05:04
Quote: "Who puts a tank as scenery?!?!"

Call of Duty.. Medal of Honor..

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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 05:26

Huked on foniks wurked fer mee!
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 06:03
jeez kids, calm it!
its just people expressing their opinion.

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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 09:13
Quote: "Quote: "Who puts a tank as scenery?!?!"

Call of Duty.. Medal of Honor.. "

half life
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 10:30
Couldn't you assign some enemy properties to a vehicle model?


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Ali M Oldboy
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 17:17
I want to be a BETA tester, It would be nice
But they won't let me,

I'm on the run from the police


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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 17:19
Seeing that you could have any object as an enemy (i think) then you'd need to attach an animation to it (just leave the tank static and make the gun turret rotate) and maybe it would be possible to have the turret as an enemy. And script so everytime a bullet hits the tank body it also takes energy off the turret. then script explosions etc for death. But Its very likely that the "body" will fade away (thats what happens to enemies at the moment. I think all this is possible. I think. Could any of the Betas confirm?

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David T
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 17:50
You can't just select "enemy" from a drop down box for a vehicle - you'd have to create a new enemy, and give that the model of the vehicle.

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Chimera the 2nd
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 18:09
I know my post had been deleted. Anyway I'm very sorry Franken Kyle it was very imature even for a kid. I was yesterday in a bad mood. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and accept my apologies. I made a new email-adres and I joined thegamecreators again just to say this cos I've got banned (I don't ask the mods to give back my freedom, I just want them to considerate it.) Hopefully they don't deleted my message cos it's just me again

Anyway, I'm very sorry and I regret it very much
6r1m r34p0r
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Posted: 16th Jan 2005 22:16
Number one, In MOH you got shot at by a LOT of tanks. Number two, in COD they still fired at you and with their MGs too. Number three, in Sven Co-op for HL tanks did fire at you. And number four, In Medal of Honor: PA, almost every level had a tank blast someone with either a scripted or AI attack.
Rob K
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 01:18
New Screenie:

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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 01:19
So whats your point.. In battlefield vietnam you could fly a helicopter, that doesn't that there will be drivable vehivles in FPSC.
Most questions have been answered in this forum and i expect to make some fun quake1-quake2 like shooters (with better graphics).
But people still seem to have these high flying dreams of landscaped
vehicles and envolving plots with talking npcs that help you fight the enemey. Come on. Even most real fps games developed over several years does not have these features. I read in another thread that story is important to games these days and that games with no story get lower scores in magazines.. You will NOT make games with fpsc that will conquer the market and make you rich. You will not be reviewed in a magazine and probably only your friends and some people on the internet will ever play your game.
I will probably love this application and have tons of fun making games with it. But its not a development package to make cutting edge games. Nuff said..
(sorry for the ranting and raving i youst got sick of people with crazy far out there ideas)
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 01:43
The gun doesn't look terribly well defined, and unless I'm mistaked the way the gun is pointed doesn't correspond with the location of the aiming cross.

Rob K
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 02:03 Edited at: 17th Jan 2005 02:04
I haven't looked at it closely, but it might have been because of a recoil animation.

Can anyone name any good video compressors? I have a couple of short 30sec movies I could probably post - but I need to cut their size down (from 100MB each to say 10MB each).

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