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FPSC Classic Product Chat / More Level screenies from beta testing....

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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 03:37 Edited at: 17th Jan 2005 03:39
Quote: "(sorry for the ranting and raving i youst got sick of people with crazy far out there ideas)"

I sorta agree with you and sorta dont. This is not gonna make some super-dooper top-quality commercial FPS and there are some things that it wont be able to do. Out of the box it is not going to be doing everything that people want it to (melee weapons, cut-scenes and vehicles etc...) but with some clever scripting, I think that most of these things will be able to happen. People want to be able to click a few buttons and create "the best Doom/Halflife/Farcry/Deus EX clone ever" tm. but it wont happen. What will happen is that people will learn the scripting language and make some really cool games that MAY even sell. Its not gonna be easy, but then again its not gonna be hard because we are essentially working around a template. We all just need to spend some time with the engine, work with the scripts for a while, post some tips on it and then we'll have some cool varied games in no time. Crazy ideas will get the best results!

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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 04:58
Hi Rob,

This is for you and anyone else reading this.

I presume your 100mb videos are avi format?

Anyway, go to and do a search for Windows Media Encoder.

Thats what I use. You can use that to convert your videos with audio to almost any quality you like....wmv format.

The beauty of the program is that you do not have to open the video and view the video to be converted into the prog unless you want to - you simply choose the source file and destination file locations from your hard disk and convert.

Of course you could always get the latest Windows Movie Maker if you want to add any transitions or titles.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 05:16
In fact it may well be possible to make some great games with FPSC that sell well, though such may be limited in number. As with any other engine it will take hard work and dedication.

There are many criteria which make for a saleable game and some of the biggest sellers ever have been relatively simple games which provide the user with compelling, addictive and fun gameplay. The success of any game will depend on many other factors too, such as how you might to present it to a wide audience. You cant possibly sell a lot of copies if few people ever see or hear about it.

One things for sure - you wont sell anything if you dont complete it and we can be sure that FPSC will at least provide a medium through which finished playable games can at least be actually completed.

Hopefully this will include some which may prove to be successful commercially.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 05:29
Another option is to go to and use the divx codec to compress your video. Altough "Uman"s version is probably easier.

and "Coldnews" i agree with
Quote: "Crazy ideas will get the best results!"

But i only agree that crazy ideas are good when actually using the software.
I youst dont want people to expect to make the next "farcry" or "Doom3" and then come back to this forum when they got FPSC to whine about how bad it is when they fail.
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 06:37
Quote: "I know my post had been deleted. Anyway I'm very sorry Franken Kyle it was very imature even for a kid. I was yesterday in a bad mood. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and accept my apologies. I made a new email-adres and I joined thegamecreators again just to say this cos I've got banned (I don't ask the mods to give back my freedom, I just want them to considerate it.) Hopefully they don't deleted my message cos it's just me again"

I dont think i saw ur post, but if i did, im not mad at you. Why'd you get banned?

Huked on foniks wurked fer mee!
Dave J
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 09:19
Quote: "Can anyone name any good video compressors? I have a couple of short 30sec movies I could probably post - but I need to cut their size down (from 100MB each to say 10MB each)."

What did you use to record the screen? I've tried Camtasia but the game will always lag when I try recording and playing at the same time, leaving a less than useful video.

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Major Payn
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 10:49
I see there was a nazi officer in that screen, is that one of the encluded models with the program? And if so, is that the only Nazi soldier available? Because fighting tons of officers wouldn't be very realistic

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Chimera the 2nd
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 14:37
Quote: "Why'd you get banned?"

Very, very bad language. And I think they thought I flamed at you for no reason cos it's in another tread and not in the "I've got a tale to say". Well my own fault I guess, I still can purchase things with my other account but when I enter the forums it just automaticaly logs off.
Van B
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 16:55
There's quite a lot of Nazi enemies, like about 5 different characters each with I think 6 weapon variants. Unfortunately I think we'll see about 200 Wolfenstein rip-offs .


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OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 17:00
Is there any animation peformed when you dont move for a while ?

Van B
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Posted: 17th Jan 2005 17:04
All the enemy models have idle animations, but I'm not sure of the plans for player idle animations, those might be waiting on some arms. It should be easy to do that through the script system though, like using a variable delay - if you move this variable gets set to 100, otherwise it takes 1 away and if it reaches 0 it could start looping the idle animation.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
6r1m r34p0r
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 05:02
I meant, cant you at least have a wall explode and a tank drive through the crater? Also, ive looked at a SVEN co-op tank AI script and all it really said was the tank would use it's MG on the closest enemy.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 06:26
Quote: "I meant, cant you at least have a wall explode and a tank drive through the crater?"

At least !?!?!
that was not that small of a request.
And i think the answer is no. Altough im not shure.
Van B
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 21:53
Possibly, the question should be, can you code the script to create the explosion particles, hide the wall entity and move a tank through it?. That sorta stuff is not gonna be part of the editor, but you can do a lot with the scripts.

Personally I'd get a tank and a fake wall, and animate all the bits flying out then animate the tank moving through the hole and driving away, then using it as a static enemy that can't be shot, I'd position it on the level at a space in a wall.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
The Nerd
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 21:56
can someone please post more screenies from FPSC please


The Nerd

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 09:16


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