You should use the read file commands instead.
rem Save data...
make file "herodata.sav"
open to write 1,"herodata.sav"
write string 1,heroname$
write byte 1,HP : rem Byte since it will be lower that 256
write byte 1,MP
write float 1,heropositionx# : rem Float since it can be very big. Also, it is a real number (with numbers after decimal point)
write float 1,heropositiony#
write float 1,heropositionz#
close file 1
rem Load data...
open to read 1,"herodata.sav"
read string 1,heroname$
read byte 1,hp
read byte 1,mp
read float 1,heropositionx#
read float 1,heropositiony#
read float 1,heropositionz#
close file 1
333 Mhz
, 96 mb ram
, 15 inch monitor
, intergrated intel810 graphics chipset
BBoy VietStylist 1.9k'86