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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Weapons Range

The Wendigo
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 17:48
I thought that I had heard somewhere that you guys didn't support melee weapons in FPSC. What about weapons ranges? If it isn't included, including it would make the melee people happy, and the guns would react a little more normal too.

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Rob K
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 17:56
If by "weapons ranges" you mean configurable weapon range then I believe that is supported.

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Van B
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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 18:01
Yeah, it's all setup in a little script file - I plan to work on some media for my DBPro game, so I'll see if I can get a knife and some arms into FPSC - the way it'd been setup should allow some neat weapon tricks.


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Posted: 14th Jan 2005 18:17
GREAT.. I cant wait to see a screenshot of that.
The Wendigo
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 13:56
Sounds great! I was hoping melee would be possible.

Home of DOOP, Strata Works, and Height

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