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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Are any of these possible

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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 09:59
First hello to the members of this forum.

This is my first post.
I have had DBC since 2000
I am not a noobi to game design.
I am currently working on a commercial game.That I would like to port to FPSC.
I can post screen shots of its current state.

Are any of these possible in the current state of the engine.Or perhaps at a later stage of development.
Change texture of a x.model though script.
Dynamic mirrors
Render to texture
Dynamic RGB lights
Dynamic texturing effects such as procedurals, animations, blending, and morphing
Lighting bolts
User extendible particle systems
For Rain and other FX
Liquid engine for water, & containers...
Animated level textures
Decal engine NOT just for bullet holes (bloodstains,cracks in walls, Logo,etc)

Translucent world geometry
3D sound positioning and attenuation
Is there gib support though script.

Sorry for so many question.
I can not find answers to these question in the forum.

Best Regards.
David T
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 15:57
FPSC is more of an editor, rather than an engine, so lots of things are done for you.

Change texture of a x.model though script.


Dynamic mirrors

Might have to use a shader

Render to texture

No (why?)

Dynamic RGB lights


Dynamic texturing effects such as procedurals, animations, blending, and morphing

Shaders again

Lighting bolts

Using a decal you oculd make a flash appear somewhere.

User extendible particle systems


Liquid engine for water, & containers...

Liquid engine?!?

Animated level textures

Not really

Quote: "Decal engine NOT just for bullet holes (bloodstains,cracks in walls, Logo,etc) "

Blood is automatic. You could place signs on walls for other things.

Translucent world geometry

Don't think so

3D sound positioning and attenuation

Again, all automatic. Fo for example enemies walking around etc are all done in 3d.

Is there gib support though script.

Don't think so.

(sorry, didn't have the heart to go through quoting all of that )

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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 18:41
David T
Thank you for your time and quick response.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 19:03
Quote: "Render to texture
No (why?)"

When using this a camera can be rendered to a texture.
For security camera station in game and other effects.

Thanks again.
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 20:16
Rendering the scene twice would half your frame rates. More cameras would be worse.

Lee has had to work hard to keep them where they are.

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Zone Chicken
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 06:09
Liquid engine?!?
wouldn't this fall under the physics add on pack that might be released later on? That would be if they added in boyancy and gravity handelers both into the pack.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 07:51

Thank you for your response.
The second camera is not active.
Through the level.Only when triggered
Perhaps if there is camera switching through scripts?

Zone Chicken.

Thank you also.
Thats is what I am talking about.
OSX Using Happy Dude
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 17:04
Is it possible to have a count-down timer ? Animated skys ?

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 19:20
Quote: "Is it possible to have a count-down timer ? Animated skys ?"

probable for a countdown timer. not too sure about animated skies tho. That would be DAMN cool though, halfway through a level, looing out of the window and watch the sky turn blood-red.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 23:56
Quote: "Animated skys ?""

I heard there are animated skys.
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 04:41

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 06:06

Huked on foniks wurked fer mee!

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