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FPSC Classic Product Chat / Blood on the wall.

The Nerd
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 21:05

I saw a pic of a FPSC were there were blood on the wall!
Can you really put blood on the wall?


The Nerd

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Richard Davey
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 21:13
When you shoot someone, if they are close enough to the wall, blood will splatter across it. There are also blood decals you can place.

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The Nerd
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 21:34 Edited at: 18th Jan 2005 21:43
Thanks for you help!

Just one more question.

When will the full boxed version be out?


The Nerd

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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 23:28
Please tell me that the blood is an 'option' that can be turned on or off? Man, I hope so.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 23:31
Quote: "Please tell me that the blood is an 'option' that can be turned on or off? Man, I hope so. "

If not you probally could open the blood decal image up in an image editor and change it or just erase it completely (fill with whatever color FPSC will use for transparency). Just an idea.

Though it would be a good switch to turn off or on per entity (considering I don't want robots, tanks or barrels to bleed when I shoot them )
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 23:38
oh my god, I cannot believe that we are discussing features of FPSCreator and noone has asked the important thing...
What about giblets? Can we have bodies exploding into lots of organs? and more importantly, is it in the EA release?

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The Nerd
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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 23:43
My question Is`nt been answered yet.
I will ask again:

When will the full boxed version be out?


The Nerd

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Posted: 18th Jan 2005 23:59 Edited at: 20th Jan 2005 15:57
noone knows except the TGC guys. Before June and after January, thats all thayve said.

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Van B
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 00:00
They don't know - final stages of EA testing now, so hopefully EA release at end of jan' or start of feb' - you can buy the EA version then upgrade to the boxed version later IIRC.

Everything in FPSC is scripted, the enemies are only behaving like that because their script is telling them to - you could easily disable blood on your game with a little hacking, or alternatively just change the texture to something more palatable, like macaroni. I'm not sure how Lee's rigged for moving entities, they might actually be in place ready for a physics plugin, so I doubt you'll be able to do much until then. It would be cool to have gibs, but it depends on how the moving entities pan out.


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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 01:08 Edited at: 19th Jan 2005 01:08
suppose. Unless theres some way to do an animated version of them and have them destroyed when they hit the floor. Although that would be loads of effort and look crap.
edit: so that also means no exploding heads on headshots?

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Van B
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 01:20
It's all very doable, I mean in DBPro I'd scale the limb to nothing and spawn a gib at the same position and rough angle (quite hard to figure out accurately) - It also depends on if Lee is using limb collision on the characters, like if it can detect if the enemy got shot in the head for instance. That's what I did in Lonewolf, but it's hardly comparable, my gibs only have to do what I tell them - not everybody .


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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 02:13
Thanks VanB. I did a little search for Lonewolf and its looking really sweet BTW. Well Lee stated that he is using limb collision somewhere on this forum. So it would mean having to scale the head and then spawn a gib too... hmmm... I wonder if thats possible. I'm not too bothered about gibs at the moment. I just want to get my hands on the EA and see what we CAN do! hope I havent made someone think about this feature and pester Lee until its in the EA release

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 07:57
Gibs would be a nice addition for exploding boxes and a lots of other situations, though i'm not sure to what extent this is included. It seems from the demo videos that glass at least explodes when its shot at.

Whats not included by now I very much doubt will even be given the slightest consideration for inclusion to the EA release. It does not seem likely that anything other than currently known bugs will delay the EA release.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 22:18
Excuse my noobishness, but as i'm not too familiar with game programming etc, what the hell are gibs!?!

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 22:23
gibs = giblets =bits of stuff that come out of an enemy when you kill them. (think of half life when you killed an alien and the intestines and stuff flew accross the room!)

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 22:25
Ah ryte, thanks for clearing that up, you really think that will be possible? I suppose it would be if there was a spawn command!?

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Posted: 19th Jan 2005 23:06
yep, *crosses fingers*

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