sigh... i slipped in that code, with the arrays and stuff, i switched object angle() with camera angle(), i even make an object and applied the same rules in the main loop... but to no avail. i know the buttons are right on the gamepad... here goes what i have so far here
Before main loop (engine i guess)
make object cube 1,30
position object 1,500,20,20
perform checklist for control devices
set control device checklist string$(1)
position camera 500,75,0
set camera to object orientation 1make object cube 1,30
position object 1,500,20,20
perform checklist for control devices
set control device checklist string$(1)
position camera 500,75,0
set camera to object orientation 1
x#=object position x(1)
y#=object position y(1)
z#=object position z(1)
ang#=object angle y(1)
(the set camera to obj orientation command doesnt seem to make the camera follow the cube..)
then inside the main loop::
if joystick fire x(7)=1
if joystick fire x(6)=1
but something occurs to me. this code would create four arrays and store the various angles and positions, but there's nothing tying the angles,positions back to those values when modified by the main loop... does this make sense to you?
Hilarious signature to be released 02-07-04