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FPSC Classic Product Chat / post new screenshots ?

Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 14:47
Can anybody please post some new Screenshots ??? I would like to see some with the shaders in action. lightmapping , bumpmapping , shadows... specular .. ( ? )
i stopped smoking on jan 1.1.2005......i dont need cigarettes its Screenshots
David T
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 15:46
Don't know about shadows

I think there have been a couple with lightmapping in. TBH the shaders aren't really that noticable - they're more subtle. If I find one, I'll post it

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 15:54
I also remember a screenshot someone did of some dead WWII soldiers and there was a car in the background, I cant remember who did it and I cant find the post again. But I seem to remember that there were no shadows on the ground, not even basic circles. Can this be changed in FPSCreator, cos it looked a bit rubbish.

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Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 15:57
hmm..what about the screenshots on the homepage ? there are shadows!
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 17:41
I think they said in an earlier post that there used to be shadows but they were taken out for some reason.
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 18:00
yes....but look at those pics !!!!! thats atmosphere !
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 19:36
argh. not good.

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 19:52
Quote: "TBH the shaders aren't really that noticable - they're more subtle. "

You should take the time to see the interview video with Lee
Quote: "my own personal favor at fps creator is the support of fx files"

It should be easy to
Quote: "drag & drop"
a nice shader into the demo.
Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 19:59
what are fx files ? and of course , why do the stairs ( on the fpsc homepage ) in this screenshot have shadows if they won't be implemented ?
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 20:10
fx files are shader effect files.
They enhance your levels with features like
- bump mapping
- normal mapping
- alpha blending
- comic style ( flat colors + black outline )

Your gfx card has to support DirectX 9 shaders - otherwise these effects can not be seen.

-- slacer
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 20:15
Damn my effing laptop built in card. GRRRRR......

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David T
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 21:59
Quote: "You should take the time to see the interview video with Lee"

I've seen it.

My personal experiences, with shaders turned on, is that they add subtle details such as bump mapping. And they're not really drag and drop, more select from a dropdown

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:07 Edited at: 20th Jan 2005 22:14
I have been wondering why the beta tester pics posted have not shown any shadows which have meant that the quality of the pics and the environments from an atmospheric or visual point have been extremely poor in comparision with the earlier released pictures. I thought that was because the levels the beta testers where showing were not full renders.

Can someone from TGC confirm if there is now a Shadow isuue which means they wont be included in FPSC. If so please can you confirm that this is just at temporary situation and that they will come back.

If there are no shadows - this is a most serious issue which needs addressing. We need to have a level quality as shown in the earlier pics and the level lighting and shadow quality they show - you cant expect less than that from a product like FPSC.

No shadows - I cant believe that. You cant be serious. Its a joke right?
Freddy 007
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:13
well, there´s shaows on this one...

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:16
This was a pic I did recently with full lightmapping switched on.

I think its real time shadow generation that may not be available, but if you use full lightmapping then you get shadows based on the static scene like above.


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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:16
KLU 007,

You are right. Please dont tell us shadows are out TGC.
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:17
My hearts not stopped yet then
Red Ocktober
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:25 Edited at: 20th Jan 2005 22:28
wait a second guys... real time shadows... on top of shader effects... on top of lightmapping...

it seems we forgot the DOOM3 flashlight effect...

lemme see... is there anything else that i should add to the list before i send it up to heaven

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:43
No, im not bothered about realtime shadows to be honest. I was talking about simple floor shadows, just a simple "dark patch" underneath the baddies/chairs etc... I saw a screenie and there was a corpse on the floor and it looked really unnatural because there was no shadow on the floor underneath the corpse.

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Van B
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:55 Edited at: 20th Jan 2005 22:56
Rendering lightmaps takes a very long time, like a whole evening if you were lightmapping an entire level. The testers would rather spend the time trying to find bugs than render screenshots.

DBPro has hardware shadows but they suck - so I doubt they'd be added to FPSC in their current state, plain shadows should be possible, but they're hellish for ground details and stairs, perhaps they'll make a return in some form though.

Static shadows can always be added manually, a plain with a shadow texture is not rocket science.


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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 22:56
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 23:14 Edited at: 21st Jan 2005 00:52
Quote: "
Static shadows can always be added manually, a plain with a shadow texture is not rocket science."

Neither is being polite, yet u seem to have a problem with it.
edit: I meant to place a smily face on here, probably sounded worse than i wanted it to sound. :s

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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 23:14
Quote: "Rendering lightmaps takes a very long time, like a whole evening if you were lightmapping an entire level. The testers would rather spend the time trying to find bugs than render screenshots."

I would call this an untested feature in that case...
This kills the sense of beta testing, don't you think?

-- slacer
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 23:19 Edited at: 20th Jan 2005 23:19
Lightmaps have and are being tested. Bit it's something best left to running over night and there hasn't AFAIK been much wrong with them. Hence concentrating on other areas more.

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Van B
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Posted: 20th Jan 2005 23:22
Quote: "Neither is being polite, yet u seem to have a problem with it."

Arguable, some people here would say I was very polite, but that tends to be when I'm responding to sensible posts, not the spam that seems to be accumulating here.


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David T
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 00:35
Quote: "Can someone from TGC confirm if there is now a Shadow isuue which means they wont be included in FPSC. If so please can you confirm that this is just at temporary situation and that they will come back."

lol, jumping to conclusions a bit? As said by others, they aren't there because I can't be bothered to sit through hours of lightmapping in order to just test the level.

Quote: "Neither is being polite, yet u seem to have a problem with it."

Nice polite way to put it

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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 00:50
argh! sorry, this may sound like bull but I actually did want to put a smiley face there. So that comment sounded harsher than it was supposed to! sorry. Post now edited.

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Van B
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 01:22
It's cool - It's just that a lot of what people are concearned about are things that they can do for themselves, like decal textures will be a breeze to customize and would always look better than anything FPSC could render itself. Truthfully, Lee could probably add hardware shadows in less than an hour, it's as complex as a single command in DBPro, but personally I'd rather see a better shadow system in both FPSC and DBPro, the fact that it has been taken out, or put aside for now is encouraging.


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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 02:16
Call me stupid, but there are so many posts here that have differing statements regarding shadows - of any kind that I still dont see a definative answer?

Is the situation that if lights exist and one carries out a rendering with lightmapping then shadows on world blocks are calculated or not, e.g. a pillar or a table would cast a shadow on the floor?

Can someone just say yes or no?

What I want to know is clear - is there any kind of shadow possible or has every type of shadow calculation been removed..........

Can someone just clarify this definatively please.

A simple answer would be nice. I did say please.

And we do appreciate that testing FPSC levels is more important than lightmap rendering of them just so we can see some nice pics.

Thank you
Van B
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 02:35
Lightmapping works, you can switch off ambient lighting and go for really dark levels and it looks really cool, there are screenshots like that around the place.


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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 02:51

Thank you very much.
Rob K
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 03:19
In summary:

- FPSC *does* have static shadows for rooms and scenery (via lightmaps)

- FPSC *does not* have dynamic shadows, ie. for enemies or moveable entities.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 03:28
Rob K,

Thank you.

Great pity about the dynamic shadows I guess they are the ones people refer to as being removed as I thought I had seen them in the Demo videos.

Hopefully we will get them back at sometime.

Really sad but there you go.
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 07:05
Could someone post a screenshot of the "cartoon" fx file?

Huked on foniks wurked fer mee!
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Posted: 21st Jan 2005 08:02
I don't know if standard .fx files will run unaltered in this engine.
While it should be possible to run cell shading effects in FPSC, I doubt the testers have this shader already.

I hope to see full shader support in the EA...

-- slacer

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