Quote: "im burning with generic rage!"
lmao, you know what makes me amused more about that title... is while everyone is trying to go for overly use Shaders, Prince of Persia works quite nicely with just a simple PS 1.1 Bloom Shader heh; something that would be childsplay to convert from FX Composer for use in DBP.
Quote: "It looks bad. Doom 3 minus heavy shadowing is not a good looking game. Compare to TES IV: Oblivion (Dec 2005), STALKER (May 2005), or the more distant FEAR and Unreal 3. It just doesn't hold up at all. The blocky object outlines, plasticy normal mapping and black-and-white shadowing are ugly. Even currently released games without cutting edge technology like Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Splinter Cell Pandora Tommorow, Theif III, Half-Life 2, etc, etc, etc are far more visually appealing."
I disagree.. Doom3 looks awesome, however the screenshots don't do it justice really. It is one of those games that you look at screenshots and you thing 'meh!' but when your playing it you realise how damn nice it is. Where'as alot of other titles that look good in screenshots, well that is the depth and atmosphere in the game itself.
Hey did anyone notice that the monster dude in Unreal 3 looks like that alien from FarScape Peacekeeper Wars?
Quote: "I refuse to spend money on computer parts!"
dude, an FX 5200 that will run most game at a decent speed will only put you back $45! less than a new game.
Quote: "I just hope that the single player and co-op are still good, im not a real fan of Quake3 I much prefer 2, its a classic. "
I'm still confused how the hell Quake3 fit in with the series. It was a good online game, but I did always prefer Quake2 for everything... cause it was much better SP and MP imo, definately the best in the series so-far.
So I'm hoping that RavenStudio don't screw up, but this said they are quite good at adding in some cool things that make the engine look better, I mean just look at the difference between Quake3 and Jedi Academy; this said they did the upgrades horribly, so killed speed lol
I'm still standing by that these are early shots and something more concrete and worth-while will be shown soon.
This said, anyone seen Republic Commandos? Seriously, if you haven't yet... DO SO! Have my copy pre-ordered for the March 4th Release
Can't wait until it comes out looks like it's gonna kick ass.