I'm thinking about switching to the DBPro system (from G3D GameStudio). I'm just wondering what all types of game level can be imported (i.e. Half-Life, Counterstrike, etc.), if Worldcraft can be used with the DBPro system, and if you can create and use bumpmaps (still and or animated) for the levels, say if i wanted to add a nice reflection showing the bumpiness of the water. Also, I'm not tooooo much of a programmer (hence the 3DGS), so I was wondering how much of a core engine, say a 3D FPS style game or a 3D Adventure a la King's Quest 8, would need to be programmed. Alternatively, is there a book available for learning DBPro? My e-mail is tricopticus at yahoo dot com.
Thanks in advance for any info or advice,
Daniel Eastham