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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 09:57
I know I saw PogoPogo post something about them, but I just want more info. Is there going to be a cutscene editor or not.

And if not, can someone give me a link to one that does exist?

Hope this doesn't cause any trouble


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Location: Preston, England
Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 10:35
There is an awful lot of information about the cutscenes on the forum. As I believe it there will be no actual "Cutscene editor" but there may be a way to script a narrative using the options open to us. As I understand it there are several beta testers that are currently working on a simple "get close to this guy and it triggers a .wav file telling u to go here" way of telling a story. As of yet there won't be a proper cut-scene editor due to the complexity of cut-scenes and the time-limitation placed on the guys who are producing the FPSC. Who knows, there may be a plug-in released in the future that will incorporate cut-scenes...but for now we will have to resort to clever scripting.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 10:37
There more than likely will be, but definately NOT in EA (maybe not in v1 either - it all depends on user feedback)

Quote: "Hope this doesn't cause any trouble"

No it's just been asked about... a lot
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 10:53
Thanks guys, and one more question for now (I'm sorry if I ask a lot of questions, just trying to help)

What language is it that we will use for the games? DB, C++, BASIC, or what?

Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 14:08
Quote: "What language is it that we will use for the games? DB, C++, BASIC, or what?"

Well that's actually the point of FPSC - it doesn't have a programming "language"... it's pretty much just point and click, drag and drop, and the like.

It does have a limited scripting language, but this is nothing like C++. It will let you do various limited things like change values for health, bullet damage, etc. as well as manipulate objects in the game (light switches, lifts, rotating objects, etc.)

It's not like say Unreal where nearly the entire game is constructed in it's own language that you can alter. Think of it as an uber-version of Klick-N-Play or 3D Game Maker.

This software is really designed for non-programmers (like me )
The Nerd
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 17:33 Edited at: 22nd Jan 2005 17:34
You could also read the FAQ
It will answer many of your questions i think.
here is the link:

The Nerd

looking for Royalty free 3D objects?
then Check PanzerGames at this link :
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2005 21:16
Quote: "Well that's actually the point of FPSC - it doesn't have a programming "language"... it's pretty much just point and click, drag and drop, and the like.

It does have a limited scripting language, but this is nothing like C++. It will let you do various limited things like change values for health, bullet damage, etc. as well as manipulate objects in the game (light switches, lifts, rotating objects, etc.)

It's not like say Unreal where nearly the entire game is constructed in it's own language that you can alter. Think of it as an uber-version of Klick-N-Play or 3D Game Maker.

This software is really designed for non-programmers (like me )"

REALLY? I love that! I suck at DB, so I use 3DGM.

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