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Joined: 22nd Dec 2002
Posted: 18th Jan 2003 01:29
I am wondering which is easier: Create a 2d game, or Create a 3d game. A helpful comparison is like comparing Zelda Games to like, Final Fantasy . I
Chess is the game of geniuses
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Joined: 22nd Dec 2002
Posted: 18th Jan 2003 02:01
Okay, here is a better example. Is it easier to create a 2d version of Pong, or a 3d version of Pong?

Chess is the game of geniuses
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Posted: 18th Jan 2003 03:14
It would be good to start out getting a feel for the basic language by writing a simple 2D game. Look at the code from the demos to get a feel for what you need to know.

John H
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Posted: 18th Jan 2003 05:02
Id say 2d pong is easier then 3d pong, simply cuz you dont have to deal with things like,,, Oh jeeze like object height. With 2d pong you can just use the x and y axis, 3d you have to use all 3.

Id start with 2d pong


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Dont ask those questions! Read the help files lazy!

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