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3 Dimensional Chat / Having flight simulator problems

8 Ball
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Joined: 10th Jan 2003
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 18th Jan 2003 13:41
Hi All!

I got full versions of dark basic and dark matter and I'm trying to create a flight simulator. But I have a problem! I’ve got as far as loading the “plane.x” file, creating a matrix, texturing it all, setting up the controls for the plane and get the camera to follow it. But I can’t get the camera to follow the rear of the plane, seeing the pilots view. I’ve tried using bits of code from the free fight example program, but with bark matter *.x files this sets the camera up to view the object from the front using the object orientation. Not from behind. What am I doing wrong? Why is it when you use “set camera to object orientation” you always face the front of the object? Please Help!
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Joined: 29th Nov 2002
Posted: 18th Jan 2003 21:43
Use the procedure used to follow the camera in the FPS example, maybe that will help

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