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FPSC Classic Product Chat / ColdNews's Anti - FAQ.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 19:08
Heres my FAQ for FPScreator, I'm a Beta tester so I know EVERYTHING about this application.

1. Can FPScreator make a game like Virtua Tennis with guns?

There has been much discussion about this subject on the internet:
so you may want to check there, but ultimately the answer is maybe. With clever use of the scripting and physics engine (in version 1) you COULD create a FPSVT clone but you'd have to use WWII media.

2. Will FPSCreator support Half Life 2 graphics importing?

The answer is of course YES. Why would ANYONE make a FPS game without ideas/media from Half Life 2? all of the physics, characters, guns and specular lightmapping are available to download from this site:

3. What is the Cutscene editor like / Will I be able to make hollywood style animations with FPSCreator?

Once again YES. This is exactly what FPScreator was made for. Machinima is top of the FPSCreator list and the main engine is way down there near the bottom. Lee's main aim was to create an "awful, buggy engine" with "create potential for cinematics". The moderators have been posting some GREAT movies of the movies they have been making with the BETA version. These can be seen here:

4. When will FPSCreator be out?

Well the Beta testers have known this for some time but it has recently been revealed that it will be released Fall 2004 as seen here:

5. Will FPSCreator ruin out lovely forum on here?
another "yes" here, Im glad to say. FPSCreator will bring an influx of people who CANNOT code, have NO interest in computergame creation whatsoever, and who are rude and smell like peasants. These people will kill, main, pillage and rape any member they come accross and will constantly ask for "real coders" and "modellers" to do the hard work for them, I should know, I'm one of the people ruining the forum! VanB, RickV, RobK and Gina G will answer all of their questions valiently. But other members should ignore all of them until they sit through 7 hours of Amos on the Amiga,. Needless to say "newbs" who ACTUALLY HAVE coding knowledge will be burned. Or redirected to the DarkBASIC Pro forums.

6. Can we have vehicles?
After much discussion on whether a good FPS has vehicles ( and, Lee and the rest of the team decided to get drunk. After that they quoted (about 4 years ago) that "Vehicles are the second most important thing to a good FPS. The most important thing is that it copies halflife and farcry". Whether that means it will be included is yet to be decided.

7. WOT DOU FINK ov mi game idea, itz gota guy hoo haz2kill ppl n alienz n itz gonna b online n u can make ur own gunz n everything! LOL. its gonna b WELL GUD! NE1 WHO WANTZ2JOIN CAN PM ME!>>>LOL!??????

Its really good. go and make it!


Yeah sure! sounds absolutely hilarious. I dont even CARE that the only registered members are blink183 and me! Whats the address?!

9. I have this piece of code *code insert: 11010111101010101010101111000010111010111101100001110010110* can I use it in FPSCreator?
Nope. But we are all going to steal it and place it in our own other games! Thanks!

by the way this is meant as a joke. I love everone on this forum.
ps. has anyone tried reading Lee's diaries? each entry is getting shorter and shorter

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Mr Flowerkohl
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 19:53 Edited at: 27th Jan 2005 20:21
I love you too ^^

Exeat's Edit: Your post has been truncated because it was causing the thread to stretch. Don't post long words without spaces again. Ever.

yeah...thats the ticket !
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 20:52
Ok Coldnews. Im with you on the point that its anoying with people
asking far out fantasy questions about fpsc and the same questions
returning over and over again but
do you realy think this is gonna help?
Altough then again, it migt.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 21:10
Oh come on! It was a joke! And also taking the mickey out of myself too!
Quote: "3. What is the Cutscene editor like / Will I be able to make hollywood style animations with FPSCreator?"

it was just to remind people that there is some sort of humour on here and we all love each other really!
If a mod think this may start a flame war then please feel free to lock it. I just wanted to have a little joke with everyone. sorry.

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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 21:58
I realised that it was a joke.. But think of the horror
if someone new takes it seriously and starts asking about
all those "features" that "coldnews" was talking about.

Well it was pretty funny. (I laughed)
I like you Coldnews
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 22:24
I agree with Noldor

Don't F**king cuss!
Van B
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 22:28
I might actually embarass some newbies into doing some research though - anything that stops the same old questions appearing is a bonus , noobs seem to be alergic to FAQ's, maybe this is the cure.


It's c**p being the only coder in the village.
Cloud of Crows Studios
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 22:33
Quote: "noobs seem to be alergic to FAQ's,"

It might help if the FAQ(s) were updated... I'm just saying.
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Posted: 27th Jan 2005 22:49
@VanB I would be so proud if u stickied this! lol. but i dont think itd happen.
I just wante to make people smile, thats all. If a newb reads this and believes it then they are REALLY REALLY unobservant and dont deserve to know the answers. I state at the end that its a joke.
or is it? I AM a Beta tester you know... *twilight zone music*

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 00:04

Now that was funny! If this community needs anything it needs more people with a sense of humor. Thank you
Anime civil
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 00:22
Haha, this human is actually funny.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 01:47

I feel a warm gooey feeling inside. That could be something I ate though. Everyone seen the release date on the newsletter?

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 02:36
yep.. I CANT WAIT.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 03:42
11th of february, I still don't know weather I'm going to buy the EA or not, I'll wait a week or 2. To see what people think of it. And play the first games?

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MaddA ChieF
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 09:54
It's $56! That's expinsive. I'm asuming the boxed version isn't going to be $50...more like $100. I wish it could have been around $30 for the ea. Gosh... that suks.
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 14:44
oh my god!! The price isn't going to dubble!!! it's going to stay 56$, it's only 6$ difference between the last price and now. They probably wont change it again. I wanted to use a quote but I can't find any

Don't eat yellow snow!
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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 15:09
Quote: "
Anyone who purchases the EA version will automatically qualify for the full retail version when it is completed. There will be a shipping and packaging charge to pay, this will be announced when the weight of the retail version is known. The final version will also come with a printed manual."

Does this mean that you pay the $56 and then after that you only pay the shipping fees? thats fair enough.

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Posted: 28th Jan 2005 21:23
Quote: "Does this mean that you pay the $56 and then after that you only pay the shipping fees? thats fair enough."

i understod it that way. I hope it is true.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 15:51
its a good deal

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Jordan Siddall
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 17:11
Haha this thread makes me giggle!

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