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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPI Question

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 05:04 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 05:08
I know everyone here hates coding, but I want to ask the admins some questions.

Will we be able to define variables?
For example

If shoot=true


whatever after that

And other code:

for example:

if ammo=0





Would that be possible to do that in FPI? And if yes, how will tha tbe coded in the FPSC lanaguage?

Also, one more question. Since our coding will be saved as a .txt file, is there any way to encrypt the coding so others cannot edit it?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 05:05
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 05:08
Then what CAN the fpi do?

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Rob K
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 05:20
There is one variable in an FPI script, the state variable.

FPI script statements all follow the same format:


For example:


The first line checks to see if the player is within 120 units of the entity, and if so sets the state variable to 2. The next line runs a different script if the state variable is set to 2.

There is no way to encrypt the FPI scripts.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 05:27
Nice, so ":" means THEN pretty much, but wait, there is a : before plrwithin. How will the program know if you are defining IF or THEN?

hmmm. Meaby that is why they are axctly after each other, so the first one always means IF, and the second one always means THEN

Is there a manual where I can learn all the scripts?

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 05:29
theres a manual with FPSCreator with all the commands in.
and i dont think theres any need to encrypt the fpi scripts because I'm sure that it will not be readable within the final exe.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 06:00
Anime civil,

I do not hate coding - I have done and still do quite a lot of it in fact - usually because theres not much option, not even if you want to make a reasonable game, leave alone a good one.

Most of my dislike of coding - if you want to call it that, is due to the fact that it takes time away from me in terms of direct production of game levels and content - which in my case as I want to make a large complex game is at a premium. I am a single person developer. So I do all the plubmbing too.

Next - it is almost impossible for me to do what I want with it I will honestly accept and admit in terms of my favourite game requirement which you will all have asceratined and that is AI an pathfinding. I do not think I will ever have the ability and time to create my own AI capability which would meet with my approval. In the indie world there are many, much more intelligent and capable people than I who have tried and failed. The business is littered with such attempts none of which have bourne fruition.

Currently I am not aware of any indie engine that I can afford (and I own most of them) that is stable and capable of giving me the option of having a level of AI I can use - I give up on that one.

Either closed or open source, none in my judgement or testing will allow me to achieve what I want.

Now there is one FPSC that potentially offers a reasonable degree of AI which will allow me to concentrate on all of the other aspects of game making (of which there are many, and more than enough disciplines to master) with which I dont have any difficulty.

So no I dont hate coding - its just a matter of time priorities and not wasting my valuable time. Personally I dont endeavour to make games for fun - I endeavour for the end - completing and playing the game and I myself wont get there with many other engines.

Time spent fighting with bugs and coding in engines which in many instances dont work properly because the underlying engines source is flawed is time lost unecessarily. If the engines source is closed then you cant fix it if its flawed cos you cant code even if you want to can you? You are at the mercy of the developers of the engine.

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 07:11
just counted the amount of commands and theres a hell of a lot! I dont think I'm allowed to reveal the full amount, but most entities have at least 3 scripts: appear, main and disappear. And obviously the "main" script has all the important stuff in. And I think Lee can add new commands whenever he wants, so therefore public demand can determine what happens with this product!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 07:37
Quote: ":plrwithin=120:state=2

This command that "Rob K" described would let us
start a script from within another script right?
So that means we are not limited with only the
"appear, main and disappear"
Not that those are not enough. Im just
pointing it out.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 07:53
I did say "At least" 3 scripts. and yes, you can have sub scripts from what I see.

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Rob K
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 07:57
Quote: "This command that "Rob K" described would let us
start a script from within another script right?"


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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 07:58 Edited at: 31st Jan 2005 08:01

FPI Scripts - quite obviously the more we can extend and add to in order to provide greater control over game entities the better. So thats very good news.

Thank you for all of your posts on this
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 08:01
Thanks "Coldnews" and "Rob K"
great help. Gives us another clue
on how the script works.
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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 10:08
Thankyou alot everybody, and thanks Uman for the explanation

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 15:10
Quote: " Coldnews,

FPI Scripts - quite obviously the more we can extend and add to in order to provide greater control over game entities the better. So thats very good news.

Thank you for all of your posts on this"

no problem. Just remember me when you manage to get a top-of-the line AI script, and let me use a copy!

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Posted: 31st Jan 2005 22:02
From what I have seen of FPI Scripting and the way they work. I dont think its going to be rocket science. They seem to work in what you might describe as a set of logic bricks which you add together to build your individual character or entity behaviour pattern.

You choose from the set of available behaviours and add them in logical sequence - I suppose anyone can do that and obtain the same result as anyone else.

I have no idea really whether or not there is any posibility of one game having different entity behaviours than another via user defined behaviours. I would think from whats been said that there are enough behaviours supplied that you can choose from to accommodate most requirements, but what do I know - Coldnews you got it - you should be telling me and making me that "top-of-the line AI script".

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