I've reviewed the stickies at the top of the WIP thread to search to see if non-darkbasic related games could be posted in the WIP thread, but my search was unsuccessful. So if this post is not supposed to be here, MODS, feel free to move it to the appropriate place, and i appologize in advance. I realize that i posted in the programmers thread already, yet after thinking about it, this seems to be the more appropriate of the two places to post it..
A new game by Code Extreme games is RPMUD. RPMUD is a role playing multi user dungeon, in early development. It is open source in visual basic so the development is swift. You can download and create your own game, add code to the game and make it available to others.
RPMUD is ran by Darien, Merix and Tarquin :: Three capable visual basic programmers.
At the moment, we're creating a base that we hope will end up being stable enough to use to create a variety of themed muds. After the full version of the base is created and released, we will provide no further updates on the continuation of what we're doing such as spells etc. This is just to make sure that not everyone who wishes to develop on it has the same thing we do so they feel an urge to make something quite different than everyone elses.
At the moment, we have it set up to allow access to 64 people, which could be easily modified for higher amounts of connections. The connections are handled by SocketWrench.
I hope i've provided enough information for this to not seem as a joke, we're trying to get a bit more traffic on the site as we've just recently opened it up to the public.
One of our programmers, known as Beserker(Darien) has already worked on several complete/some still in stages of development projects, one is called Magiknights, a successful and free 2d online RPG game which you can check out at http://www.magiknights.com
Have fun guys, and thanks for visiting!
WindowsXP Home(Service pack 2), Athlon XP 2400+(2.1Ghz), 1GIG Ram, Ati Radeon 9800Pro 128MB.