here is the code that was meant to show
set display mode 1024,768,16
load image "square.bmp",1
load image "straight.bmp",2
load image "triangle.bmp",3
load image "corner left.bmp",4
load image "corner right.bmp",5
load image "zigzag left.bmp",6
load image "zigzag right.bmp",7
sp# = 1
xpos#=screen width()/2
ypos#=screen height()/16
im# = rnd(7)
if im# = 0 then im# = 1
sprite sp#,xpos#,ypos#,im#
set sprite sp#,0,1
scale sprite sp#,20
dec ypos#,5
if rightkey()=1 then inc xpos#,0.5
if leftkey()=1 then dec xpos#,0.5
sp# = sp#+1
wait mouse