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FPSC Classic Product Chat / FPS Creator Forum guidelines: READ before posting.

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:03 Edited at: 12th Feb 2005 08:14
Please help us to help you by following the FPSC Forum Guidelines:

- If you want to post a question, Read the FAQ that is available and search the forum to see if your question has already been answered.

- Keep your thread name clear and relevant. A topic titled "Questions on enemy types" is far more likely to be responded to than "What about......???"

- Please don't complain if feature X or Y is not going to be in the EA release. Your feedback on the EA release is useful and will help decide the content for version 1 however.

- The Beta testers (most of the moderators) will not always be able to answer your questions, nor are they responsible for the development or publicity of FPSC. They are merely finding bugs and suggesting tweaks for the developers to fix / implement.

- Before clicking the "Post Message" button, re-read your post. Do not post messages which are likely to cause offense to other forum users.

- If you have queries, try to be as specific as possible. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:18 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 02:19
Ok, I'll be good from now on.


This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:24
Sums everything up - mods, consider using content from this one way or another for a sticky announcementy thingy?

Stupid Monday..

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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:26
By the way, I would like to add a point to this.
If you feel that you have to spout off about how long it's taking or why you feel this program isn't going to live up to your almighty expectations, do not start any posts on those subjects. It doesn't do you any good and ruins any reputation that you may have had.
If you still feel like doing it, try this out. Go to your refrigerator, supermarket or gas station. Get yourself a pop or favorite drink. Find a spot to sit down. Sit down and chill.
Now repeat after me, it's not in my control, it's not in my control.
Good? Good.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 02:33
wow, I got stickied. I wish my anti-FAQ would get stickied. lol
thanks guys. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 03:57 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 11:54
Not worth it.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 04:22
Coldnews merely stated that if aren't going to take the time to find out if a question has been answered previously, then be ready for any insults. If everyone ignores the post because the question has been asked before, then the poster is going to think everyone rude. As far as rudeness, I would rather be yelled at then completely ignored, at least I got a response out of the community.

Let hem complain about it lacking feature x, and then they can look like a fool if and when the software is released with feature x. If they wait, until the program is released, to complain, their complaints will have more substance. It is very hard to complain and argue about something without having most if not all the facts.

Now is the winter of your discontent.
-Stewie from Family Guy
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 04:27 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 04:29
I didn't consider Coldnews to be acting elitist. I agree with him on a couple of points, though not all of his points. I can also say the same for your post, fdecker.

Certainly, someone should read the faq before posting to any forum, and, if the forum provides a search function (as this one does), it's probably a good idea to search before asking a question. And I've found that the search function doesn't take "hours," but only a few seconds or minutes.

And perhaps Coldnews' Rule 3 about getting upset isn't a requirement for posting on this forum, but it is wise council, nonetheless.

His rule about a clear and well-phrased topic heading is extremely good advice, and it's a rule that is often (frustratingly) violated here.

Basically dark.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 05:08 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 05:12

"The purpose is discussion. Period. People should have the right to post their frustrations in a constructive way for the purpose of discussion. Maybe so-n-so is upset over the lack of x feature. Someone else might disagree with them or even consider their "upsetness" to be petty and insignificant. So what? Just because someone else judges another's perception doesn't make that judgment fact".

Though I would not disagree with your statement others obviously do and as open discusiion has not been banned fron this Forum they have the right to express their opinion. Some of course will have the power to enforce their opinions on Forum users in obvious ways.

Dont get me wrong everyone, I had called for an official Forum/Rules posting thread some time ago which still as far as I am aware not been officially done - unless making a members post Sticky is an official stamp - I guess it is? A Forum like societies needs Rules to control by and large unruly behaviour.

Rather strangely, some of those limited rules that I would see as needing to be strictly enforced normally prevailing on web site Forums are somehow low down in the list off priorities as they have not even been listed. e.g. swearing, personal verbal attacks against individuals, or persons of particular ethnic groups, political or sexual persuation and so on.

Instead some of the priorities seem to be aimed at restricting open debate or preventing seeking answers to questions that people dont have the answers to and cant get any other way. Its obviously natural that the persons who have access to FPSC have a somewhat different opinion to those that dont. At the end of the day no one has to answer a question and if persons dont want a particular question to become a long winded debate then they could have the resolve to not get into one and refrain from replying. The thread will then die of its own accord. People want to debate thats why the threads continue to receive posts.

If on the other hand someone can help and wishes to do so then they should be able to do so even if they have answered the question before. They may not mind aswering it again.

To say wait for the EA and then ask questions or make suggestions is a fair comment though in the mean time what else do Forum users do but seek answers.

I am all for reasonable behaviour and support the same including obviously sensible Forum and posting procedures and reading the FAQ before posting, but understand that at many forums the FAQ often dont answer questions in enough detail that would give the viewer a true understanding of a question or problem.
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 08:14
What we are going after here is good questions. Not ones that have been asked over and over again. People do not have the time to sit there and respond for the tenth time that it's going to cost this much, etc..
Plus we seem to be getting a lot of upset people in this forum. I think it would do you a world of good if you stopped posting these "I'm so disgusted by the mods I could just barf" posts. That doesn't help you and only provides for negative responses to what you have said.
That in mind, I think you are the one trying to be "ELITIST" throwing up there that you have a master's degree in Educational Technology and that you have done a lot of research into the matter of how information is to be shared. Honestly, who gives a crap. It doesn't take a rocket scientist nor someone with a master's degree to make information easy to find. See that little search box at the bottom of the page? You can type in these symbols called "LETTERS" to form what's called a "WORD". Click the "Search" button to find what you are looking for. It's so simple and easy to use.

This is as backwards as is This
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Posted: 1st Feb 2005 11:30 Edited at: 1st Feb 2005 11:55
Nevermind. It's pointless to continue.
Richard Davey
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 12:30
I am un-announcing this, the heart of the original message is in the right place but the tone is too strict. An alternative version will be posted.

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Rob K
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 21:47 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2005 21:47
Edited ColdNews' original post to tone it down and re-stickied.

BlueGUI Windows Plugin
The Nerd
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2005 22:04 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2005 22:04

looking for Royalty free 3D objects?
then Check PanzerGames at this link :
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 05:56
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2005 16:35
lol. - the worlds first solo band.
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Posted: 12th Feb 2005 08:15
Just edited the post to link to the FAQ on the fpscreator website. Hope everyone is enjoying their copies! - the worlds first solo band.
New coldnews single avalable from here

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