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3 Dimensional Chat / Matrix Map Making

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Joined: 22nd Nov 2002
Location: In a house somewhere on the planet earth
Posted: 20th Jan 2003 09:01
Does anyone know of a good way to make maps with a Matrix?
I am talking about editors. Are there any good editors out there? Or are there any in the works?
I am interested in them.
Plus, is a Matrix the best way to make terrain or is height map the best way?
I am wondering this because I want to be able to make landscapes that are like Morrowind. I would take it the height maps for terrain would be better, but could a matrix do better? I wonder if it might as
Oh by the way, how would I handle collision detection with height maps or a matrix?
If one of you can help provide some clues as in the direction I need to head that would be very helpful.
Snippets of code always helpful.
One of my goals is to beat morrowind on loading times. In Elder Scrolls, the bloody thing takes a long time to load stuff. The challenge would be to get stuff to load as you are playing the game. So any method I choose, needs to be fast, effective, but still looks good. Any good game you make, needs to be made to be seemless. Loading screens, Menus and Controls can take away from making a game fun and exciting. You need to make it as interactive as possible.
Not too interactive. I think reality is enough. Don't try to mimick the real world too much, it might turn out to be a boring game.
I am my own and own my am I
Eddie Gordo
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Joined: 14th Jan 2003
Location: Ohio - USA
Posted: 27th Jan 2003 01:57
I am making matrix creation software that outputs matrix Greyscales that load by using code.

Also Known As The Arctic Fox A Warrior Of Treacherous Skills

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