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Newcomers DBPro Corner / HOW To : Tile a matrix??

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Joined: 11th Jan 2003
Location: Turkey
Posted: 20th Jan 2003 13:03
well maybe im asking too much of these how to's, but i really cant do it myself even i try alot. i made a heightmap and made a matrix which looks like there are many square buildings around.
now i want to texture the parts which are higher than 0 with a window texture, and the parts which are absolutely 0 are supposed to be textured with a grass texture..
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 20th Jan 2003 14:58
if u placed cubes around the place as your buildings then u could activate the transparency flag in the set object command.
make the windows all one colour jet black

if your building walls are part of the matrix then
I think that feature is in the matrix also but not sure

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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Earth, Brisbane, Australia
Posted: 20th Jan 2003 15:04
and to answer the tiling part.
u could make two for loops
psuedo code as matrix is assumed created in mtx num 1

for z = 0 to 3
for x = 0 to 3
set matrix tile 1,x,z,rnd(3)+1
next x
next z

update matrix 1

if u had made a matrix and prepared the matrix texture to have a 3x3 area then the above peice of code would randomly plot a tile number for reference into that position.

the graphics required for the tiles are a combinations of all the rotations and angles for two or more distinct patterns.

this tileplate solves a lot of hassles as it allows u to start setting up raw colour and provides all the rotations required for a 4x4 tileset or 16 tiles.

IT also leaves 2 tiles spare if u want to use them for specials or extra master plate tiles which are the ones with full texture and no transition of anysort.

if u types set matrix tile into dbclassic or dbpro and pressed F1 it will show u the uasge and instructions.

This command will texture an individual grid square with an image specified by the tile number. Only if the
matrix has been prepared with a texture will this command work. The tile number equates to a portion of
graphic within the sectioned image you used to prepare the matrix texture. If you had prepared a matrix
texture with four segmented images, you would reference these images as tile numbers from 1 to 4. The
parameters should be integer values.

SET MATRIX TILE Matrix Number, TileX, TileZ, Tile Number

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