Hmmm. Lots of winks in the above posts. So....
Neofish : You are saying "Lego is singular and plural
- wink wink, only kidding"...? So what, you are saying it's not singular and plural?
Flindiana : Fair enough, pulling our leg a bit about ruler of everything. Seems to fit.
Jerico : Saying "you're probably pronouncing lego wrong
" means you think they aren't saying it wrong, or wink wink I'm just being awkward for the fun of it? And "A lego brick may in fact be called a lego
" ?
Sorry, smileys are like punctuation really, and bit hard to translate sometimes. Next time I will get out my axe and chop someone's arm off
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing