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Newcomers DBPro Corner / Nearly finished 3d'izing my 2d implementation of Wizardry 1 style game, one quick question....

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Joined: 3rd Dec 2002
Location: Hemel Hempstead
Posted: 21st Jan 2003 00:17
I've managed to turn the maze into a 3d block maze, but i'd like it to reside in a 300x300 pixel "Window" on the screen e.g.:

Is it possible to put just the 3D area into the 3D window show in the snippet above?

Thanks for any help

The Darthster
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Joined: 25th Sep 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 21st Jan 2003 00:42
It should be possible, I'd do it like this:

The 300x300 box doesn't look very good, it's better using factors of the existing screen resolution, for example (640/4)x(480/4) box.
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Joined: 3rd Dec 2002
Location: Hemel Hempstead
Posted: 21st Jan 2003 00:54
Fantastic, thats exactly the command I was looking for. Thanks.

The contents I'm displaying acutally look OK in that size window.

Hopefully I'll be able to post finished version of the engine here soon. (Well you could say version 0.1 of it )


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