here u go
sync rate 0
sync on
rem a long winded way with a 1 pixel as an example
ink rgb(255,255,255),1
box 0,0,32,32
ink rgb(0,0,0),1
text 10,10,"1"
ink rgb(155,155,255),1
box 33,0,64,32
ink rgb(0,0,0),1
text 44,10,"2"
ink rgb(255,155,155),1
box 65,0,96,32
ink rgb(0,0,0),1
text 75,10,"3"
ink rgb(155,255,155),1
box 97,0,128,32
ink rgb(0,0,0),1
text 107,10,"4"
rem used in a forloop for ease
for i = 1 to 5
ink rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255)),1
box i*32,50,32+i*32,82
ink rgb(0,0,0),1
text i*32+10,50,STR$(i)
next i
rem the box co ordinates can be used in the get image co ordinates.
for i = 1 to 5
get image i,i*32,50,32+i*32,82
next i
rem convert them to sprites
for i = 1 to 5
sprite i,40*i,200,i
next i