Yeh, you don't need that for i=1 to 360 loop, just use inc i,10, and use my original paste image line, with 20* or 40* according to preference. I don't understand though, why did you change val3 like that, and why does it work? The weird thing is that I had based my latest version on the following titles screen for a retro pong game I'm making (display mode 320,200,32 for best effect). The titles work fine, but the code's got the same as my version of val3, not yours.
rem --~~==>> TITLES <<==~~--
rem Get bitmap
load bitmap "pong.bmp",1
rem Cut bitmap into slices
for n=1 to bitmap width(1)
get image n,n-1,0,n,bitmap height(1)
next n
rem Make images paste to screen
set current bitmap 0
rem Do some titles precalc
Val1=150-bitmap width(1)/2
Val2=80-bitmap height(1)/2
Val3=500/bitmap width(1)
rem Set text for menu options
set text size 20
set text font "impossibilium brk"
rem Title loop
rem Draw screen
ink y,0
rem Sine wave the text
inc n,10
for i=1 to bitmap width(1)
paste image i,Val1+i,Val2+10*sin(Val3*i+n)
next i
rem Draw menu
center text 150,130,"START <> 1"
center text 150,150,"QUIT <> 2"
rem Exit to main on keypress
if inkey$()="1" then exit
if inkey$()="2" or escapekey() then end
Why do you sink I ave zees outRAGEOUS accente?!