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3 Dimensional Chat / Modeling

Eddie Gordo
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Location: Ohio - USA
Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 23:46
i Have 2 Questions
does 3ds max 5 do character animations that export to DBPRO
and when i use milkshape 3d what do i export to use animated models in DBPRO
Also Known As The Arctic Fox A Warrior Of Treacherous Skills
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 23:49
First Answer is Yes.
Second Answer is I use .x file format. Just make sure you are not in Animation mode when you export in Milkshape, or it will only export the current frame of animation instead of all the Animation frames. But I think the Helpfile tells you that.
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 23:52
Listen, I dont know if it was accidental or something, but you really dont need to post the same topic 4 or 5 times, thats just annoying.

Eddie Gordo
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Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 23:52
i tried it exits db program when i load it

Also Known As The Arctic Fox A Warrior Of Treacherous Skills
Eddie Gordo
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Location: Ohio - USA
Posted: 23rd Jan 2003 23:54
yeah sorry bout that

Also Known As The Arctic Fox A Warrior Of Treacherous Skills
Eddie Gordo
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Location: Ohio - USA
Posted: 24th Jan 2003 00:44
do animations for DX 8 Only work in dbpro

Also Known As The Arctic Fox A Warrior Of Treacherous Skills
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Posted: 24th Jan 2003 04:39
With Milkshape I have only tried DX8 and the plugin to export DX8.1 .x format. Those two work in DBPro.

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