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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 22:20
i have no idea how to model what i need to model how to animate how to import or anything could someone make a quick tutorial of how to either make a circle ANYTHING in a free modeler program and then imput it into a fpscreator game. I want to make my game unique but i just dont know how


Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 23:00
What a great attitude! I wish you the best of luck! Free modelers are, well, sorry I don't know of any BUT I hear MilkShape is really cheap (like $14 US). my boomstick!
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Posted: 21st Feb 2005 23:23
i am willing to get the free trial and if i can make a model and import it i will gladly buy it PLEASE SOMEONE POST A TUTORIAL
Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 00:00
I would gladly help but I need specifics on what you want a tutorial on. Basically it has taken me years to do what I think your asking (Animate, Model, Texture, Import, Export, etc).

I know you want to change the way your game looks, but I personally think you need to pick one thing.

First off, you are going to need to learn some language. Insted of circle, you want to say "tube" or "cylinder"

I wrote a quick write up for creating a box and importing it as an Entity or Segment. Look for a topic called "Segments"

Try that first. It is my understanding that MilkShape is what a lot of people use and there are lots of tutorials on how to use it. my boomstick!
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 00:23
Now, just because I am in a really happy mood (see Lee Bamber comments and a Purple Snickers....) so this is what I "suggest" you do.

1) Load up Game space.
2) Make a Box
3) Texture the box with an image. Make sure that the image is 32 bit TGA (a lot of Graphic programs default it to 24 bit, careful!)
4) Export it as an .X file (ASCII)
5) Rename the texture to the same name of the .X file (just go with it, it doesn't HAVE to be like this, just easier to explain)
6) Get into the .X file and change the texture names to the new name.

At this point you should have an .X file (in ASCII) with a texture with the same name as a 32 Bit TGA file.

7) Go to "C:\Program Files\The Game Creators\FPS Creator\Files\segments" (or where ever your files are installed) and add a new directory called CellblocSegments (or whatever you want)
8) Now copy these 2 files to this directory.
9) This is the absolute fun part. I nicknamed it "little Diablo"
10) Find a file .FPS that matches your box (I would choose ground.fps)
11) Copy and rename this file to Box.fps
12) Open it with a text editor and change the paths to the model and the tga file.

if i get that right that is the tutorial that you wrote so i have a few questions about it i open milkshape first and make a "cylinder" i then take any image but A) how do i know if it is 32 bit or not and B) if it is not 32 bit then how do i make it 32 bit. ok so if i can make a circle and texture it (which will be a major accomplishment) i then export it as a .x file which means save it as a .x file i assume i lose u a little at step 5 and 6 could u explain those a little better. and step 8 -end i am lost what do u do replace the ground i thought that we were making a box not the ground and if we replace the ground where will it go??? plz make me a easier tutorial i have no idea what i am doing and also say i can get this and i make a model of a man does fpsc have some animations of its own so that i dont have to animate it myself? plz help me here i want to model..


Cellbloc Studios
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 01:21
a) check with your Photo editor. What are you using for creating Textures? Photoshop? Paint Shop Pro?

b) When you do a "save as" in your Print Program, it should ask you.

Step 5) Save your file from your Modeler Program, such as "Circle.X" and save it as an ASCII file DirectX.
Then open the "Circle.X" file with a Text Editor (Notepad is usually good). Do a search for the name of the texture you use (if you created a texture called "MonkeyHumpingElephany.TGA" change it to be "Circle.TGA" Then in your Windows Explorer change the Texture name to "Circle.TGA"

Step 8... well tell you what, tell me what modeler and paint application you are using and I will see what I can do about making a walkthru. my boomstick!
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 21:16
thx what is this ACII stuff that you speak of and a cool free modeler that i could give a go is blender 3d which can be found at a little tutorial would be great!!!


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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 23:17
glyvin101 I am glad that Cellbloc Studios is giving you this tutorial. I also find it helpful. I am also trying to learn Blender now, while also learning DBPro, and several other 3d game making applications. It's going to take a long time. The thing is, though, that Blender is considered difficult to learn. It is a very powerful and versatile modelling application but it has a steep learning curve--probably because it IS free. You can find all sorts of Blender tutorials at various Blender sites. Some of them are video tutorials.

I do want to point out to you that you can find a lot of the information you are asking for on the 3d forum on this very TGC site, INCLUDING free models for your usage in FPSC if you want any of those. It's great that Cellbloc Studios is helping out here, and I find the information useful for my own learning purposes, but don't neglect the other learning sources already available on TGC's site itself.

Not only can you get free models on the 3d forum but sometimes free and already textured models. You just have to search for them. Heck, sometimes if you ask politely some of the memebrs will create pretty much anything your want. In any event, you will find a lot of great information about creating your own models by reading the threads on that forum. Best of luck to you.

Eternal student in search of knowledge. But will settle for the occasional epiphany.
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2005 23:49
thx just wait for the tutorial
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 08:36
For milk shape check the tutorials page...

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 08:43
Especially check these VIDEO tutorials on Milkshape when getting
started. They are realy good. (thats were i started of)
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 08:44
Also for free modelors theres Gmax which is made by discreet who makes 3ds Max. Also theres blender (id go with gmax, blender is confusing!?!?!)



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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 08:58
OMG I love you Noldor. Milkshape makes life easy. So much easier than anything else I've tried, I've tried 3 other modelors. I also tried this but these tutorials are great.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 09:03
i would appriate a tutorial on how to imput into fpsc
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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 09:28
Glyvin, have you checked the manual yet? Theres step by steps in there, around page 77.

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2005 11:46
page 77 manual skip steps 11-14 the fpsc-entities.exetool is not there

let he who is with out sin cast the first stone.

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