As I've mentioned to ol' Memmy before, I've no plans for a convention this year - I feel £60 per person + accommodation costs + travel expenses is a bit too much for most people. In addition, most people dont seem to want to visit this fine city, for some strange reason...
Plus, I'm thinking of going to Portmerion this year (see if I can get lost in the pet cemetery again...), so its possibly I may not be able to attend anyway.
Finally, my parents have borrowed a large sum of
my money, plus my laptop has been nicked, which means it would take a lot longer than usual to save up for all required parts to make a convention the success that the previous two were.
For a convention to be feasible, a lot more people would have to come, and would need to be cheaper (everyone could bring their own computers for example) and we could do away with networking (unless everyone has a ad-hoc wireless system).