The tutorials have some good information. But they are still incomplete. I am trying to get a program to record. I have tried all my possible guesses as to how to make it work. But I have not succeeded. I went to the tutorials. But I found nothing on it. Is there a place where I can find a simple direction on how to make the computer record? And for that matter, there should be a simple example on how to use each command. Ideally, the example should not include any thing else. When one has to check many commands, doing through the examples in the current help files is tortuous. Indeed, in some of the examples, I have not been able to find the command that the example is about. A case in point:
rem Sound Showcase
rem Standard Setup Code for all examples
sync on : sync rate 0 : backdrop off
set text font "arial" : set text size 16
set text to bold : set text transparent
rem Loading prompt
sync : center text screen width()/2,screen height()/2,"LOADING" : sync
rem Load room
load object "world\room.x",1
xrotate object 1,270
fix object pivot 1
rotate object 1,0,180,0
rem Load selectors
for t=2 to 5
load object "models\notes\notes.x",t
position object t,-100,32,40-(((t-3)*80))
rotate object t,270,90,0
scale object t,50,50,50
fix object pivot t
rotate object t,0,0,0
next t
rem Load sound
load sound "sound\ghost.wav",1
load sound "sound\hit.wav",2
load sound "sound\smash.wav",3
load sound "sound\tube.wav",4
rem Setup camera and light
set point light 0,0,0,0
position camera -450,100,10
set camera fov 45
yrotate camera 90
rem Select first note (via Xangle trigger)
yrotate object 2,1
rem Main loop
desc$="Sound Room (Select A Note)"
rem Control mouse selector
if mouseclick()=1
if mousex()>70 and mousex()<600
if sel>4 then sel=4
if sel>0
if object angle y(1+sel)=0
yrotate object 1+sel,1
if sel=1 then play sound 1
if sel=2 then play sound 2
if sel=3 then play sound 3
if sel=4 then play sound 4
rem Control selected
for pace=0 to 9
for t=2 to 5
if object angle y(t)>0 then rotate object t,0,wrapvalue(object angle y(t)+1),0
if object angle y(t)>0 then lightz#=object position z(t) : lighty#=object position y(t)
next t
next pace
rem Control light
position light 0,-200,lighty#,lightz#
rem Show Framerate
text 20,screen height()-40,desc$
fps$="DBPro Fps: "+str$(screen fps())
text screen width()-20-text width(fps$),screen height()-40,fps$
rem Update screen
rem End loop
the above is supposed to be an example of how to use the record command. A better example would be some thing like:
sync on : sync rate 0 : backdrop off
load sound "c:\A\Too2.wav",1
if mouseclick()=1
record sound 1,3000
wait 300
play sound 1
wait 3000
Of course, the problem with my example is that it does not work. But if it did, I would have been writing my program now, rather than going in circles around this problem.
Simple programs that illustrate just one command at a time is what is needed!