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3 Dimensional Chat / G-Police style flight

Hamish McHaggis
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Location: Modgnik Detinu
Posted: 27th Jan 2003 19:48
Dunno if anyone's ever played this before, but im sure other games have a similar system. On G-Police you can control this helecopter thing so that it can move around on the y axis (turn) and tilt up and down. I cant get the flight to work as when I tilt up or down I want the ship to keep facing the same angle downwards but turns around the y axis. What it does now is rotates around the craft's y axis so it gradually faces the other direction.
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Shadow Robert
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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 21:55
yeah i remember that game... great for a gamepad - really piss poor setup for the keyboard.

lmao sounds weird... post up the code and see what the boffin's here can do for ya

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 27th Jan 2003 23:42
try using the pitch, roll and turn commands - i think they rotate the object without changing the angles. not sure but give it a go
Hamish McHaggis
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Joined: 13th Dec 2002
Location: Modgnik Detinu
Posted: 28th Jan 2003 21:05
Nah, using the pitch,roll etc commands does basically the same as the rotate object commands. I've used them in this code of what I've sort of got, just incase anyone didnt get my first explanation - imagine a pole through the top of the box, this pole always stays perfectly vertical and however much it tips forward or backward, it always rotates around this pole when turning, keeping it at the same angle.

Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!

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