Vi-Studio (Visual Interface Creator)
Here's the first W.I.P. report for Vi-Studio. It's a user friendly drag and drop interface creator, for making interactive menus, hud's, dashboards, control panels, media players etc. etc. It's at a very early stage, but here's where it's at so far:
Implemented so far:
-Entity creation by simple mouse dragging
-Drag and drop positioning of entities
-Zoom function
-Load/Save layout
-Import into DBP program
-Layouts automatically adapt to all screensizes and fields of view
-Windows environment
Short term priorities
-entity labelling system, for easy manipulation within DBP
-texture properties
-transluscency properties
-snap to grid
-text function
Medium term priorities
-media pack (for lego style panel building)
-special effects (eg. 3d menu components, fade-ins, slide-ins, etc.)
-special entities (eg. speed dials, sliders, health bars etc.)
Early screenshot, showing a couple of minutes worth of interface building using the default panel tool:
Any feedback is very welcome.