zero cool the character would have of solved this.
how about something like this?
sync on
sync rate 60
set text size 15
set text font "verdana"
set text opaque
set text to bold
cls rgb(0,0,155)
rem setup a score variable
score = 1
rem a temp 3d object as this can work in 2d or 3d
make object cube 1,10
rem temp loop
rem simulate adding to score
if rnd(1000)>10 then score = score +1
rem draw a black box first then print the score stuff
rem in case the score can go backwards and to wipe out
rem any fake printed result as a case of the screen not being cleared.
ink rgb(0,0,0),1
box 0,0,96,16
rem using text command we have convert all values to strings for use
ink rgb(255,255,0),1
text 0,0,"score:"+STR$(score)
rem safe exit
disable escapekey
if escapekey()=1
delete object 1