Hi I'm not really sure what you are trying to do but this bit of code is something I was doing for keeping wheels on a car. Obviously the spheres would be replaced with wheels.
I made some with milkshape which also included rotation.
rem positioning other objects so they stay in the same place
rem relative to you
rem I've used Dark basic example 4 for this
rem Make a simple scene for the camera to look at
make matrix 1,10000.0,10000.0,25,25
load bitmap "your texture.bmp",1
get image 1,0,0,64,64
delete bitmap 1
prepare matrix texture 1,1,2,2
randomize matrix 1,50.0
set matrix height 1,12,12,300.0
update matrix 1
rem Create blob character to follow
rem import your own 3d object here
make object cone 1,100.0
xrotate object 1,180
rem use cylinders, or import your own wheels
make object sphere 2,200.0
make object sphere 3,200.0
rem Set variables for character position
rem Activate manual sync
sync on
rem Begin loop
rem Control camera with arrow keys
if upkey()=1 then x#=newxvalue(x#,a#,10) : z#=newzvalue(z#,a#,10)
if downkey()=1 then x#=newxvalue(x#,a#,-10) : z#=newzvalue(z#,a#,-10)
if leftkey()=1 then a#=wrapvalue(a#-10.0)
if rightkey()=1 then a#=wrapvalue(a#+10.0)
rem Update character
y#=get ground height(1,x#,z#)+50.0
position object 1,x#,y#,z#
yrotate object 1,a#
rem Position camera to the back of the character
rem notice the distances (600 here) and the angles 45 & 315
rem are the same for each wheel, other wise they will wobble!
rem wheel 1
rem wheel 2
rem camera
cy#=get ground height(1,cx#,cz#)+100.0
position camera cx#,cy#+30,cz#
rem position other object(s) in the same way as camera
rem wheel 1, 2
position object 2,w1x#,y#,w1z#
position object 3,w2x#,y#,w2z#
yrotate object 2, wrapvalue(ca#)
yrotate object 3, wrapvalue(ca#)
yrotate camera wrapvalue(ca#)
rem Syncronise
rem End loop