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FPSC Classic Scripts / Movefore, moveback -anyone ?

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Joined: 29th Aug 2003
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 3rd Apr 2005 05:14
Ive been sticking actions into lift1.fpi (replacing 'moveup='), I can get the lift platform to spin,point to player, move the player to the north et al, but I am unable to get the lift platform itself to move horizontally. Ive been trying various 'movefore=' and 'moveback=' alterations, but I keep failing
How can this be done? Am I barking up the wrong tree with movefore?
Any help mucho appreciated
Narf The Mouse
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Posted: 11th Jun 2005 07:21
How do you make an entity a character?


Expert Bug-Finder, Horrible at Identifying Them.
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Posted: 15th Jun 2005 12:26
actually it works with any charecter fpe, you just copy the charecter files from the charecter most similar to yours, than replace the .x file and change the fpe accordingly.

I am really BULLSHOCK, but my profile got deleted...really, i'm telling the truth!

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