Depends on the website and overall design.
I feel the current website design makes the site look tacky.
This isn't just because of the current design that feels cluttered (even at my 1600x1200 resolution), but because of the way everything is being put across.
For example there are 2 menu systems, this makes the design feel undecisive.
While there are no real adverts, there are a number of in-house adverts spanning the website. It is good to make sure users always are informed, the way in which it is presented really is the key issue.
Often I've found in my hours on the net, that the best designs seems to show a slightly minimalist fixed width approach for end-users, but when it comes to developer sections that require more information the 100% scheme is used.
Good examples of this are:
Microsoft Homesite
Microsoft Developer Network
nVidia Homesite
nVidia Developer Site
A common factor many websites have that provide a service is making sure that while you have a few major announcements in a fashion that the users can see it, you always keep additional announcements or new in the background.
The flow of the site needs to make sure you control the attention of the user. This is where the current website fails pretty badly, it isn't idiot-proof (as our many MSN Conversations have proven) and the focus is always all over the place. Providing too much information too quickly.
Remember that most people viewing the site will have a variety of resolutions. Fixed width caters for everyone, while it'll annoy a number of developers, that is a small price to pay for the masses being able to enjoy the site correctly.
In all honesty I really like the approach being used nowadays by a lot of companies. Where you have generic information in a fixed width, then you'll have a Flash animation that moves between all of the new information.
The Microsoft sites in particular, have quite good designs. They flow, and despite the huge amount of information it needs to convey, each area cuts all the information down in to bite-size forms.
Just my thoughts on it really.