1. Firefox 1.03 on XP Pro (main PC)
2. Firefox 1.02 on XP Pro (main laptop)
3. IE6 on XP Pro (lodgers laptop)
4. IE6 on XP Home (2nd PC)
5. IE6 on XP Home (laptop gave to parents)
6. IE5 on WinME (older testing PC)
7. IE5 on Win98 (even older testing PC)
8. IE on Windows pocket PC 2003 edition (sorry, couldn't resist)
9. IE6 on XP Pro (work PC)
Note that Firefox has been giving me some major gripe lately with sites that don't work properly (including one money transaction page!!!). If the new IE comes out soon with tabs and a few other goodies then I will learn to swallow losing some of the better plug-ins of Firefox (weather, translation, and image zoom being some of my faves) and go back to IE. Really try and stick to one or the other on one machine (apart from when programming ASP, and have to use IE for what I want to do), otherwise your bookmarks are out of sync between browsers. Unless there is something that can synchronise them, anybody? I know there is a Firefox plugin for sync between different computers, but how about with other browsers?
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing