in, for most examples, just use the C++ console app template when you make a project or if writing a windows app then use the windows template, or use Gnu C++ if sticking to console programs, Gnu is supposed to be realy compliant with the C++ standards but afaik lacks somewhat in the windows dept (DX programs need a DLL to run for example), if you can find the demo Codewarrior v5.5 ide (mine came off the June 2002 PC plus superdisc 1), that has a pretty good C++ compiler built in too and the IDE is solid, the old visual C++ is not very compliant and most examples will not compile straight from most C++ tutorials (unless they where written for vis C ++ natch).
PC1:XP, P4 3ghz, 1gig mem, 3x160gig hd`s, Radeon 9800pro, 6 way sound.
PC2: Linux, AMD 2ghz, 512mb ram, Nvidia GeForce4mx, 16 bit SB.
PC3: XP, laptop, intel 2.6ghz celeron, ATI 9000igp, 256mb