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3 Dimensional Chat / What is 3D canvas like?

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2003 18:03
I'm still looking for a PROPER 3D modeling software which creates and animates 3D objects.
So how good is 3d Canvas? Can anyone tell me what it's like creating 3D objects?
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Posted: 9th Feb 2003 18:48
i use 3D Canvas Pro

it is a fairly easy program to use, however, a little akward. has built in animation support that DOES work with DB and DBP. it can also export to many file types including .x, importing .x is crap though. so make sure to save your models in the 3D Canvas native format, so making changes will be easy

Raven Vegeta
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Posted: 9th Feb 2003 19:13
It's quite slow and crashes randomly. Use MilkShape 3D, it's far better, stable and cheaper
Alternativily, u could download 3D Max with Kazaa

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Posted: 11th Feb 2003 04:18
It was slow and crashed a lot when it used Direct3d Retained mode. 6.0 was re-written to use Direct3d Immediate mode. The program is more stable and the geometry data is exposed to program. Many of the features are a lot faster than in 5.7a but the feature set has a minimalistic philosophy. Like with the implimentation of sub-division surfaces for example. It's a straight catmull-clark surface routine which is fine but some of the more powerful programs on the market use a modified rational catmull-clark surface that allows per face/ per vertex/ per point weighting. So the nuances that you can acheive in the program are limiting you from being more expressive.

As a first time modeling program, 3dc is not a bad choice. Also, the developer Richard is active in working with his users. I've gotten him to add my fair share of features just by saying, I'd love if 3dc could do this!

John H
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Posted: 11th Feb 2003 22:24
3 Cheers for milkshape!

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Dont ask those questions! Read the help files lazy!
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Posted: 12th Feb 2003 04:03
3DC works ok but sometimes its not so obvious that it DOES have this or that command.

consulting the helpfiles and actually reading the information presented helps

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