You could use a array to make a matrix, prepare a tile, and tile the matrix if you are only using a single tile for the background.
Something like this.
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
load image "bgtile_greengreen.bmp",1,1
cell = 20
for x = 1 to 600
make matrix x,32,32,1,1
prepare matrix texture x,1,1,1
position matrix x,(posx * 32) - 16 ,0,(posz * 32) - 16
inc x
inc posx
if posx = cell
posx = 0
inc posz
next x
position camera 0,320,500,240
point camera 0,320,0,240
or you could use a array and paste the image across the screen, again if you are only using a singe image background.
Something like this.
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
cell = 20
for x = 1 to 600
load image "bgtile_greengreen.bmp",x,1
paste image x,(posx * 32),(posy * 32)
inc x
inc posx
if posx = cell
posx = 0
inc posy
next x
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