I've read most of the posts in this thread. I believe here in New York, they have been merged for quite some time. I have the following shops nearby:
1)(Most Recently) Gamestop
2)EB Games; I guess... A.K.A (Electronics Boutique)
5)Planet X
6)Software Etc.
Most of them accept the GameStop membership card for discounts. It has been somewhat confusing, to say the least. So I am guessing that they are all affiliated. My latest GameStop card says,
Quote: "
Discount card is accpeted at: GameStop, Funcoland, Babbage's, Software Etc. & Planet X"
Making the situation more interesting is that numbers-- 1),3),4),&5) above-- all have stores in the same local mall. Funcoland has a store right outside the mall. A new GameStop store opened just down the road.
So I guess I have no real clue as to how all of this works anymore.
I actually purchased my first GameStop membershib at an EB store.
I'm not to worried, as I'm quite certain they'll all be owned by Microsoft soon. So, I'll drive my MS car to the MS gas station- buy an
MS cola- and goto MS GameStop located on MS highway.
In C++ "=" is an assigment operator, whilest "==" is a relational/comparative operator; meaning "is equal". "!" == not
So I can see where Rich was going....
I can't tell you the amount of times in C++ that I have done this
if (gameover=1)
Definately not the same result as
If (gameover==1)