They're on the IBM devweb, there's no specifications on the processing power of any of the chips yet..
so there is no way to cooberate what Sony and Microsoft are claiming, also don't know the actual specifications or such of the VPU/GPU as ATI doesn't have them yet, but what it does mention on the site is that IBM created a Dual Core variation of the Microsoft VPU for the Revolution. given that's a 48 Million ShOps, it would be safe to assume that the Revolution will be 96 Million ShOps.
If I were to guess at the processing power, I'd imagine it would be
320 GFlops for the CPU, and 1.5 TFlops for the VPU. If I had to guess that is.. this would put it close to the PS3 in terms of overall power, and would put it at close to 4x more powerful than the GameCube; which is roughly what Nintendo have been claiming.
Of course just educated guesses based on the overal specifications of 'Broadway', and the limited information on 'Hollywood'.
They're also subject to change, but then so is the PS3. The only one set in stone now is the X-Box 360. No doubt IBM will make the details public once the console is released.
I'll try to see if I can find the extra details on Panasonic's site, as they had GameCube 'Gekko' details public first.