Hey, I've only had DarkBASIC (v113) for little over a week now and I've been kinda kickin' my self for not buying Pro (Amazon.com didn't have it and I had a gift certificate)
But recently I've been thinking that it's for the best considering I'm new to DB anyway so I can learn with version 113 then just upgrade to Pro when I get good enough. I only have one concern that hopefully a regular can help me with. Does DBPro have basically the same functions as v113? I know it can do bump-mapping and suports BSP files but I mean will I have to relearn all my functions or will I be able to just dive right in or even easily convert old games to Pro? Thanks for any info!
My Specs: p4 2.2gig, 786mb ddr ram, 120 gig hd, Geforce4 128mb ti4200, WindowsXP.