Dreamcasts rock, but don't think your stuck with second hand games - there's a healthy emu scene, especially with the DreamSNES, bomberman is perfect because the 4 ports on the DC are emulated too, so it's great for multiplayer games like that.
I'll be buying a 360, and probably Nin's console as long as it does'nt sink too fast. I get more fun outta the Gamecube than the PS2 and XBox put together, but it seems the 360 will have the lions share of the killer games.
Quite frustrating when all you want is some next-gen playability to go with the graphics. Frankly, I'm sick of FPS games on XBox, it's like the PC market 3 years ago, like all these identical FPS games being released every month until people eventually stop buying them. Harvest Moon is the sorta thing I'm more likely to buy these days.