I will have to use it for the rest of my life.
There are surgery options, but they are not as successful in treating my type of apnea as the device is. Once you get used to it, it hardly bothers you from what I have read. It's kind of comforting, at least for me. I breather easier and feel 100x's better.
just note:
I had been suffering with chronic fatigue for over 10 years. It has greatly affected my life. From being diagnosed with depression, Adult ADD. I have been on so many different meds to treat depression, anxiety, ADD, including stimulants; all of which had some side effects. All the while I never felt all taht good. it treated some of the symptoms bet even while on anphetamines (adderall, concerta); I was constantly tired and groggy. It has impacted my social life, financial state, nevermind the emotional drain of not knowing what was wrong with me. I even had to take college coursed 2-3 times because of dropping them to to my numerous absences while feeling ill. I have lost friends, and even a fiancee due to my health.
I am now almost completely weened off all meds, and I feel better than I can ever remember. It's truly been a long journey. I just wished that the doctors could have picked up on this sooner. I had been complaining of chronic fatigue from day 1. They just assumed, and convinced me, that I was depressed. Not being able to get sleep can cause so many symptoms, and I do believe that all the anxiety, stress, depression was a direct reslult of the apnea.
The future does look bright now! And I can finally live my life to the fullest, rather than just going through the motions.
By the way, I only found this out because through my constant search for an answer I happened across the right doctor who looked at my entire history and thought "hmmmm... something isn't right here. You are exhibitng symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADD, chronic fatigue; but I think that there is something causing this. He recommended the sleep study that uncovered the mystery."
I didn't know I has apnea. Most of the time I wouldn't remember waking up. I just knew I snored loud. I even tried sprays to supress the snoring.
It just goes to show you that not only should you seek 2nd oppinions with regard to your healthcare; but continue pursuing answers if you are not satisified. I must have seen 12 different doctors, counselors, psychiatrists, before anyone even suggested apnea. All of my bloodwork always came back normal. I believe that some of the doctors actually believed I was making up how tired I felt. Or, they just increased other medications.