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FPSC Classic Scripts / Bullet Holes, etc?

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Joined: 28th May 2005
Location: Arizona
Posted: 8th Jun 2005 03:56
I brought a tank in from DarkMatter. When I hit it with my weapon I see no bullet holes, damage, etc. I can make the tank stop in its tracks...just no evidence that it is out of commission.


relax - in a 100 years who's gonna care
Dory The Cable Guy
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Joined: 23rd Apr 2005
Posted: 11th Jun 2005 08:51
its cause its set a s a human, and they dont show bloody bullet holes on humans in fpsc

Heven doesn't want me and Hell's afraid i'll take over!!!
Retired Moderator
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Joined: 14th Jun 2005
Location: Shocking Bulls
Posted: 15th Jun 2005 12:38
thats REALLY new technology...the xbox 360 is barely capable of that...heck, Halo doesnt even do that.

I am really BULLSHOCK, but my profile got deleted...really, i'm telling the truth!

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