I was talking about Apocalypse, my bad for not specifying, I share your opinion of it being too Hollywood. It was a while ago that I saw it, friends persuaded me to go, saying it was going to rock. I asked them afterward why it rocked, and they said all the usual stuff about blowing zombies apart....yeah...real groundbreaking.
For FF, I was definitely not talking about Advent Children, not out yet. I began to appreciate Spirits Within more after you pointed out the thematic ties to the games a while ago, but I still think the dialogue and voice acting was a little spotty. And I guess I'm predisposed to not like it because of its setting, quite different from any Final Fantasy game I've ever played. FF7 was futuristic, but Spirits Within was a little too spacy.
Funny you'd mention Twin Snakes, I had my mom playing it this afternoon (did very well up until Revolver Ocelot...), I was reminded once again of the beautiful work on that. Indeed, there is no other than Hideo Kojima. I don't know about Machinima though, maybe use David Hayter as an actor? He kind of looks the part, just needs to look angrier.
Holy dogpoo! I'm guessing Hide Kojima was inspired by those movies, rather goofy of them to use Plissken in MGS 2. I'll have to see if the local hollywood video has them in stock.
Crazy Donut Productions
Current Project: A Redneck game