I've just finished making my first game, (yes i am a newbie)but whenever i make the game into and exe and run it, it doesn't work.
Please help!
Rem Hide the mouse, put manual sync on and set sync rate
Hide Mouse
Sync On
Sync Rate 60
Rem Load the music and loop it to play non-stop
Load Music "Hidden Fury.mid",1
Loop Music 1
Rem Draw the main menu
Load Image "title.bmp",10
Paste Image 10,260,20
Center Text 320,300, "Type 1 and press enter for One Player!"
Center Text 320,315, "Type 2 and press enter for Two Player!"
Center Text 320,450, "Press Space to exit"
Set Cursor 320,240
Load Image "menupic.bmp",1
Paste Image 1,260,100
Rem Repeat until choice is made (1 or 2 player)
until choice$="1" or choice$="2" or choice$=" "
Rem Clear the screen
If choice$ = "1" then Gosub OnePlayer
If choice$ = "2" then Gosub TwoPlayer
Until choice$ = " "
Rem Variable Initialisation
radius# = 3.0
score = 0
secondscore = 0
secondpspeed = 8
ballxpos = 320
ballypos = 240
ballyspeed = Rnd(2)+ 1
ballxspeed = 5
secondxpos = 530
secondypos = 240
lives = 3
secondlives = 3
gosub InitialiseForPlay
Rem Create a new bitmap and draw a line (the paddle), get the image of the line and change back to first bitmap
Create bitmap 1,25,25
Line 1,1,1,21
Get Image 1,1,1,2,22
Set Current Bitmap 0
Rem Create a new bitmap and draw a circle (the ball), get the image of the circle and change back to first bitmap
Create Bitmap 2,25,25
Circle 5,5,radius#
Get Image 2,1,1,10,10
Set Current Bitmap 0
Rem Clear the screen and draw the score
Text 0,0,"Score:"+str$(score)
Text 0,15,"Lives:"+str$(lives)
Rem Paste the title on-screen
Paste Image 10,260,20
Rem Draw the box in which the game is played
Line 98,98,542,98
Line 542,98,542,382
Line 542,382,98,382
Line 98,382,98,98
Rem Draw the paddle to the screen
Sprite 1,xpos,ypos,1
Rem Set up the position and control of the paddle
ypos = MouseY()
xpos = 110
Rem Set up collision for paddle
If ypos 360 then ypos = 360
Rem Draw the ball
Sprite 2,ballxpos,ballypos,2
Rem Start the ball moving
ballxpos = ballxpos + ballxspeed
ballypos = ballypos + ballyspeed
Rem Check collision for the ball against the walls and reverse the speed accordingly
If ballxpos > 534 then ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
If ballxpos = 100
ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
lives = lives - 1
ballxpos = 320
ballypos = 240
Wait 2000
If ballypos 374 then ballyspeed = ballyspeed * -1
Rem Check for collision of the ball against the paddle and reverse speed accordingly
if ballxpos xpos - 6 and ballypos ypos - 20
ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
score = score + 1
Rem Check if score is equal or above 50
If score >= 50
Rem Clear the screen, delete sprites, display message and return to main menu
Delete Sprite 1
Delete Sprite 2
center text 320,240,"You win with "+str$(score)+" points!"
Wait 2000
Rem Check if lives falls below 0
If lives 360 then ypos = 360
If secondypos 360 then secondypos = 360
Rem Draw the ball
Sprite 2,ballxpos,ballypos,2
Rem Start the ball moving
ballxpos = ballxpos - ballxspeed
ballypos = ballypos + ballyspeed
Rem Check collision for the ball against the walls and reverse the speed accordingly
If ballxpos >= 534
ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
secondlives = secondlives - 1
ballxpos = 320
ballypos = 240
Wait 2000
If ballxpos = 100
ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
lives = lives - 1
ballxpos = 320
ballypos = 240
Wait 2000
If ballypos 374 then ballyspeed = ballyspeed * -1
Rem Check for collision of the ball against player one's paddle and reverse speed accordingly
If ballxpos xpos - 20 and ballypos ypos - 20
ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
score = score + 1
Rem Check for collision of the ball against player two's paddle and reverse speed accordingly
If ballxpos > secondxpos - 12 and ballxpos secondypos - 20 and ballypos = 50
Rem Clear the screen, delete sprites, display message and return to main menu
Delete Sprite 1
Delete Sprite 2
Delete Sprite 3
center text 320,240,"Player 1 wins with "+str$(score)+" points!"
Wait 2000
Rem Check if player two's score is equal or above 50
If secondscore >= 50
Rem Clear the screen, delete sprites, display message and return to main menu
Delete Sprite 1
Delete Sprite 2
Delete Sprite 3
center text 320,240,"Player 2 wins with "+str$(score)+" points!"
Wait 2000
Rem Check if player one's lives falls below 0
If lives