starting in fireworks,once you have a nice skin use the slice tool to make your slices and make sure you name them. slices with names like gh_f3ee.gif suck.
green slices indicate your in slice mode and hotspots are teal provided you havent changed any colours.
there are many websites that help you cover this aspect. or Consult your manual
the frames in fireworks allow for simple or complex animations
once you have exactly what you want in regards to composition of layout, select every object and copy them.
now add a frame and goto that frame and paste in the entire contents again.
now on frame 2 change the buttons to what they would look like on rollover.
change other aspects if you want as well.
then go back to frame 1 and right mouse the first button slice that you might have named home in the slice name box.
choose add rollover (from memory) then choose frames 2 hotspot slice which will be inside that mini map panel in the panels left side and select it by clicking inside it, this allows you to have a hotspot that changes eg: photos change in a box as you rollover the buttons as another alternative.
at this point save your work, and call it WIP_projectNames_Template
fireworks saves things as png, dont publish this, keep it so you can modify the template later orr upgrade it etc..
add any rollovers and pulldowns and button states in fireworks at this point.
now make a temp_export folder and export the slices and the html to this folder but sub nest the slices into a folder called slices or images. look at the export screen for this.
if everything looks correct you can proceed, otherwise go back to fireworks until its right and export to the same folder keeping in mind you flush the folders with the images or slices or you will end up with rogue images that dont link to anything.
now you can carry this straight over to dreamweaver and carry on with what you want.
remove any panels that are pure graphic colours and replace them with a bgd table colour, this will save loading time.
some site i have used this method for are :
with any website make a folder and call it the name of the website
then make 2 folders inside this one
WIP is work in progress and you store all the working files for the website here
including your fireworks and export tests
WWW is an exact copy of the site online you can point dreamweaver to this folder and copy the final export test to the www when your happy with the final template.
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