Nerd, it's not that we don't want to talk about it. It's that this topic has now been banned from the forums after it always leading the inevitable flamewars.
Personally the way I see it, as it stands; yes Blitz3D is more established and more stable.
Nickelodeon and recently Disney game developers have been using it more and more for thier downloadable game projects. Though in the same breath from my standpoint it's a much more difficult product to use as a whole.
The problem like with Pure Basic stems from the fact that it's adding quite alot of user-end power, without designing a way for it to be easier.
This is the main reason I've stuck with DarkBASIC Professional over the years. While sure I gripe almost weekly about bugs, and 'features'.. fact is that it is the only BASIC on the market that I can enjoy using for periods longer than 5minutes.
The language design itself makes it enjoyable and feel easier, as well as more simplistic. Though there are more times than I'd care to admit where Blitz/Pure/Turbo Basic have seemed much better featurewise and stability wise (and speed wise!) the fact is that I find it much easier to write:
Type Vector3
X As Float
Y As Float
Z As FLoat
Global myVector As Vector3
myVector = SetVector3(myVector, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Function SetVector3(Vec As Vector3, X As Float, Y As Float, Z As Float)
Vec.X = X
Vec.Y = Y
Vec.Z = Z
EndFunction *Vec
than I do
Structure Vector3
X.f, Y.f, Z.f
SetVector3(myVector, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Procedure SetVector3(Vec.l, X.f, Y.f, Z.f)
*@Vec = X
*(@Vec + 4) = Y
*(@Vec + 8) = Z
I know this is between DB/P and B3D, but I can't remember how to do that in Blitz right now.