Yeah, i'm definitely not suing that many heh...
Anywya, here's the section that should display the sprite... as you can see, the show sprite code is right there
and the code there for picking up the keys works, so it's happy... *shrug* it's probably something stupid and obvious
FOR counter=1 TO 3
if itype(counter)=1 then var=1
sprite 420+counter,ix(counter),iy(counter),1
if sprite exist(420+counter) then show sprite 420+counter
if lx>ix(counter)-15 and lx<ix(counter)+15 and ly>iy(counter)-15 and ly<iy(counter)+15
if itype(counter)=1
if level$="soral/" and room=138 then keys(0)=keys(0)+1: sdf(7)=1: itype(counter)=0:ix(counter)=0:iy(counter)=0:
NEXT counter